경암지반 NATM 터널에서 암반분류 및 계측에 의한 최적지보공 선정에 관한 연구

Selection of Optimum Support based on Rock Mass Classification and Monitoring Results at NATM Tunnel in Hard Rock

  • 김영근 ((주)대우건설기술연구소) ;
  • 장정범 ((주) 대우 건설기술연구소, 주임 연구원) ;
  • 정한중 ((주) 대우 건설기술연구소, 토목연구실)
  • 발행 : 1996.09.01


Due to the constraints in pre site-investigation for tunnel, it is essential to redesign the support structures suitable for rock mass conditions such as rock strength, ground water and discontinuity conditions for safe tunnel construction. For the selection of optimum support, it is very important to carry out the rock mass classification and in-situ measurement in tunnelling. In this paper, in a mountain tunnel designed by NATM in hard rock, the selectable system for optimum support has been studied. The tunnel is situated at Chun-an in Kyungbu highspeed railway line with 2 lanes over a length of 4, 020 m and a diameter of 15 m. The tunnel was constructed by drill & blasting method and long bench cut method, designed five types of standard support patterns according to rock mass conditions. In this tunnel, face mapping based on image processing of tunnel face and rock mass classification by RMR carried out for the quantitative evaluation of the characteristics of rock mass and compared with rock mass classes in design. Also, in-situ measurement of convergence and crown settlement conducted about 30 m interval, assessed the stability of tunnel from the analysis of monitoring data. Through the results of rock mass classification and in-situ measurement in several sections, the design of supports were modified for the safe and economic tunnelling.



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