르 꼬르뷔지에의 빌라 내부 공간에 관한 연구

A Study on the Interior Space of Le Corbusier's Villas

  • 발행 : 1996.04.01


Le Corbusier planned and began to build space of new architecture expression around 1920s by connecting his theory of architecture of a great influence upon his creation of works with the puristic plincipes. The objective of this study consists in enguiring into the interior space of Le Corbusier's villa in 1920s and 1930s , especially into villa La Roche-Jeanneret , villa Terrasses, and villa Savoye. The constituents of the villas introduced new architectural concepts, including geometry, economics , and his new five architectural factors, and there appeared such phenomena as were shown in the paintings of the purist period, such as transparency, contrast , etc. We can see through this study, that Le Corbusider's architectural purpose is the realisation of his architectural and puristic. concepts.



  1. De la fenetre au pan de verre dans I'oeuvre de Le Corbusier Alazard J.;Hebert U.-P.
  2. Le Corbusier an analysis to form Baker G. H.
  3. Les villas de Le Corbusier 1920-1930 Benton T.
  4. Quietait Le Corbusier? Besset M.
  5. Le Progres Le Corbusier : le peintre en marge de I'architecture Chaber T. C.
  6. Le Corbusier idea and forms Curtis W. J. R.
  7. Les villas d'artistes Paris Delorme J.-C.
  8. Journal d'Histoire de l'architecture Ducros F.
  9. L'Architecture modern-Une histoire critique Frampton K.
  10. Cahier d' Art, n °4 La maison Savoye Poissy 1928-1930 Giedion S.
  11. Le Corbusier Guiton J.
  12. Le corbusier lui-meme Jean P.;Rousseau(Edition)
  13. Histoire de l'architecture moderne en France Jullian R
  14. Almanach d'architecture moderne Le Corbusier
  15. Vers une architecture Le Corbusier
  16. Oeuvre complete 1910-1929 Le Corbusier;Girsberger(ed.);Zurich(ed.)
  17. Oeuvre complete 1929-1934 Le Corbusier;Girsberger(ed.);Zurich(ed.)
  18. La Manufacutre Le Corbuseer Qui suis-je? Monnier G.
  19. Le Corbusierr Elements of a synthesis Moon S. V.
  20. Apres Le Cubisme Le Corbusier Ozenfant A.;Jeanneret Ch. E.;des Commenaries(Editions)
  21. L'Esprit nouveau, n °4 Le Purisme Ozenfant A.
  22. L'Esprit nouveau, n °18 L'angle droit Ozenfant A.
  23. Le temps de Le Corbusier Ragon M.
  24. Le Corbusier en France Ragot G.;Dion M.
  25. The Mathematics of the ideal villa and other essays Colin R.