건축학적 내부공간의 개념과 그 확장가능성에 대한 연구 -"HAUS IM HAUS" 를 중심으로 -

A Study on the concept of architectural interior space and of its extensibility -From the perspective of "Haus im Haus"-

  • 최경실 (이화여대 장식미술학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.04.01


When one speaks of space in architecture, one immediately thinks of an entity that is an enclosed space. For most people , space is therefore equated with interior space. And in most discussions of architectural space the character of the outside and that of the inside have been strictly differentiated. But architectural space must be construed as a total , integral space. In this way , architectural space can articulate naturality. For example, by reasserting the eloquence of architecture and by graphically characterizing the different parts of the building. Ungers has moved far away from the traditional ideas of a modern movement that preached the homogeneity of all parts. so promoting uniformity and an expressionless monotony. From this perspective comes the purpose of this study which is to present :1. the character and meaning of the boundary that differentiates the outside from the inside of the architecture. 2. the types of the organization of the interior-space and the differences between those types. 3. the new concept of the interior -space through the analysis of the concept "Haus im Haus" that over-comes the polarity of the outside and the inside of ar-chitecture. This result comes from the idea that harmony is a-chieved not by resolving this polarity into one or the other extreme, but by allowing coexistence of both as-pects.



  1. 조형기호학 Floch, J. M.;박인철(역)
  2. 구조주의와 기호학 Hawkes, Terence;오원교(역)
  3. 변증법 Israel, Joachim;황태연(역)
  4. 현대건축론 Heinrich Klotz;양 동양(편역)
  5. 미학과 예술론 Osborne, Harold;서배식(역)
  6. Oswald M. Ungers의 건축이념과 작품론 1951-1990 Neumeyer, Fritz;진 경돈(외 공역)
  7. 세계 철학사 Storig, Hans Joachim;임 석진(역)
  8. 기호학이란 무엇인가 Toussaint, Bernard;윤 학로(역)
  9. 공간으로서의 건축 Zevi, Bruno;강 혁(편역)
  10. Abschied von der Postmoderne. Beitrage zur Uberwindung der Orientierungskrise Gruber, R. Sichtbeschrankungen
  11. Raum und Form in der Architektur Joedicke, Jurgen
  12. Museum Architecture in Frankfurt 1980-1990 City Wall and Adam's House Heinrich Klotz;V. M. Lampugnani(Ed.)
  13. Geschichte der Architekturtheorie Kruft, H.-W.
  14. Creating Architectural Theory Lang, Jon
  15. Raumstrukturen Meisenheimer, Wolfgang
  16. Mataphor and thought Ortony, A.
  17. Typus-Modell-Leitbild Pahl, Jurgen
  18. Environmental Discourse Teymur, Necdet