식품의 저장 및 품질개선을 위한 감마선 에너지의 이용과 실용화 전망

  • 발행 : 1996.12.01




  1. Technical Report Series-659 Wholesomenesss of irradiated food. Report of a joint FAO/IAEA/WHO Expert committee WHO
  2. CAC/VOL. XV. Codex general standard for irradiated foods and recommended international code of practice for the poeration of radiation facilties used for the trearment of foods Codex Alimentarius Commission
  3. Radiat. Phys. Chem. v.46 Commercialization of food irradiation in the U.S.A. Cottee,J.;Kunstadt,P.;Fraser,F.
  4. 식품 방사선 조사기준 및 규격개정 대한민국 보건복지부
  5. 1994 Report of the methyl bromide technical options committee Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer UNEP
  6. Radioisotopes v.41 no.12 Development of food irradiation technology and consumer attitude toward irradiated food in Korea Kown,J.H.;Byun,M.W.;Cho,H.O.
  7. Summary report on eleventh meeting of the international consultative group on food irradiation, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia ICGFI
  8. Paper presented at 5th Nordion gamma processing seminar, Canada Food irradiation : Recent progress and current status Cottee,J.
  9. 식품과학과 산업 v.22 no.2 전리방사선의 식품에의 이용 권중호
  10. IAEA-SM-250/26 Food-energy-developing countries-food urradiation Brynjoifossn,A.
  11. 한국식품과학회지 v.14 no.4 방사선 조사와 자연저온에 의한 발아식품의 batch scale 저장에 관한 연구. 제2보. 조사감자의 장기간 저장후 potato chip 가공적성에 대하여 변명우;이철호;조한옥;권중호;양호숙
  12. Preservation of food by ionizing radiation v.I-III Josephson,E.S.;Peterson,M.S.
  13. proceedings of national symposium on ionizing energy treatment of food, Sydney Radiation entomology in food preservation Shipp,E.
  14. 한국농화학회지 v.31 no.2 곡류의 해충구제를 위한 감마선의 이용 변명우;권중호;차보숙;정규희;조한옥
  15. Food irradiation : New perspectives on a controversial technology Morrison,R.M.;Roberts,T.
  16. A statement by the global task force on cholera cnotrol to the 44th world health assembly WHO
  17. Radiat. Phys. Chem. v.46 Progerss of food irradiation in the United States Derr,D.D.;Engeljohn,D.L.;Griffin,R.L.
  18. 식품공업 v.131 방사선 조사식품과 소비자 수용성 권중호
  19. 식품위생안정성연구 v.9 no.1 식품조사에 대한 WHO의 입장 김용문
  20. Department of health and human services Part III, Fedral Register, 21 CFR part 179 Irradiation in the production, processing, and handling of food, final rule FDA
  21. Commercial irradiation of food and agricultural commodities, market tests and consumer attitude research-summary tables Marcotte,M.
  22. Food irradiation newsletter v.20 no.1 IAEA
  23. '87-'95 감마선 조사관련 자료 그림피아기술(주)
  24. Food Technol. v.43 no.7 Consumer awareness and outlook for acceptance of food irradiation Bruhn,C.M.;Shutz,H.G.
  25. Presented at the 6th international meeting on radiation processing, Ottawa,Canada Food irradiation and consumer education-The role of food and health professionals Weaver,V.;Marcitte,M.
  26. Food Technol. v.43 no.10 Consumer attitude toward irradiated foods-Effects of labelling and benefits information Schutz,H.G.;Bruhn,C.M.;Diaz-Knauf,K.N.
  27. Food irradiation newsletter Test market of irradiated strawberries in France IAEA
  28. Consumer acceptance of irradiated Nham fermented pork sausage Prachasittisak,Y.;Pringsulaka,U.;Chareon,S.
  29. Market test of irradiated apples Terry,D.
  30. Excerpt from a paper presented at the Second FAO/IAEA Research co-ordination meeting on Asian regional co-operative project on food irradiatin, acceptance and process control (RPFI-Phase III), Jakarta, Indinesia Test marketing and consumer acceptability of irradiated foods in China Qixun,C.;Peishu,X.;Hao,C.;Lihua,C.;Shaobin,D.
  31. Food Technol. v.46 no.5 Irradiated strawberries enter the U. S. market Marcotte,M.
  32. Food Technol. v.46 Irradiated preduce reaches Midwest market Pszczola,D.
  33. Food Technol. v.47 no.11 Irradiated poultry makes U.S. debut in Midwest and Florida Markets Pszczola,D.
  34. Irradiated chicken selling briskly Reuter
  35. Agribusiness v.6 no.2 Consumer willingness to purchase and pay more for potential benefits of irradiated fresh products Malone,J.W.Jr.
  36. Northbrook Carrot Top Newsletter
  37. Diffusion of innovations Rogers,E.
  38. food irradiation newsletter v.17 no.2 Food safety. Report of the working group in international symposium on cost/benefit aspects of food irradiation process, Aix-en-Provence, France, 1-5 March (1993) Anon
  39. J. Food hygiene and safety v.9 no.1 Advances in fodd irradiation and its potential roles in Korea Kwon,J.H.
  40. 식품공업 v.133 식품조사의 국제적 허가현황 및 실용화 전망 권중호
  41. Radiat. Phys. Chem. v.46 Food irradiation in prospective Henon,Y.M.