대장암 암화과정에서 불포화지방산의 기능

  • 박현서 (경희대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 최주선 (경희대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.12.01




  1. Seminers in Oncology v.18 no.4 Causes, relevant mechanisms and prevention of large bowel cancer Weisburger,J.H.
  2. 한국인 사망원인 경제기획원 통계과
  3. World health statistics annual WHO
  4. Colorectal cancer ; From pathogenesis to prevention Mortality for selected causes in 30 countries Segi,M.;Kurihara,M.;Tsukahara,Y.;Seitz H.K;Simanowski,U.A;Wright,N.A.
  5. Cancer Res. v.50 Identification of candidate cancer chemopreventive agents and their evaluation in animal models and human clinical trials : A review Boone,C.W.;Kelloff,C.J.;Malone,W.E.
  6. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. v.48 Role of dietary factors in cell replication and colon cancer Facobs,L.R.
  7. Cancer. v.42 Metabolic epidemiology of large bowel cancer : Fecal bulk and constituents of high-risk normal american and low-risk finnish population Reddy,B.S.;Hedges,A.R.;Laakso,K.;Wynder,E.L.
  8. Bulletin of the WHO v.68 no.3 Primary prevention of colorectal cancer Shike,M.
  9. IARC Scientific Publ No.42 v.4 Incidence in five continents Waterhouse,J.;Muir,C.S.;Shanmugatnal,K.;Powell,J.
  10. Cancer v.67 Comparative epidemiology of cancer between the United States and Japan Whnder,E.L.;Fujita,Y.;Harris,R.E.;Hirayama,T.;Hiyama,T.
  11. Diet, nutritin and cancer ; A critical evaluation v.1 Diet and colon cancer : Evidence from human and animal model studies Reddy,B.S.;Reddy,B.S.(ed.);Cohen,L.A.(ed.)
  12. Cancer v.42 Metabolic epidemiology of large bowel cancer : Fecal bulk and constituents of high-risk normal american and low-risk finnish population Reddy,B.S.;Hedges,A.R.;Laakso,K.;Wynder,E.L.
  13. Nutr. Cancer v.10 Colorectal cancer and the intake of nutrients ; Oligosaccharides are a risk factor, fats are not. A case control study in Beigium Tuyns,A.J.;Haelterman,M.;Kaaks,R.
  14. J. Natl. Cancer. Inst. v.54 Effect of dietary beef fat on intestinal tumor formation by azoxymethane in rats Nigro,N.D.;Singh,D.V.;Campbell,R.L.;Park,M.S.
  15. J. Natl. Cancer. Inst. v.77 Effect of different levels of dietary corn oil and lard during the initiatiom phase of colon carcinogenesis in F344 rats Reddy,B.S.;Maruyama,H.
  16. J. Natl. Cancer. Inst. v.72 Tumor promotion by dietary fat in azomethane-induced colon carcinogenesis in female F344 rats : Influence of amount and source of dietary fat Reddy,B.S.;Maeura,Y.
  17. Cancer Res. v.46 Effect ofn dietary fish oil on azoxymethane induced colon carcinogenesis in male F344 rats Reddy,B.S.;Maruyama,H.
  18. Cancer Res. v.51 Effects of diet high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids on initiation and postinitiation stages of colon carcinogenesis Reddy,B.S.;Burill,C.;Rigotty,J.
  19. Cancer Res. v.37 Effect of high-fat diet on colon carcinogenesis in F344 rats treated with 1,2-dimethylbydrazine, methylazoxymethanol acetate, or methylnitrosourea Reddy,B.S.;Watanabe,K.;Weisburger,J.H.
  20. 한국영양학회지 v.27 no.6 발암원을 투여한 쥐에서 식이지방이 대장의 종양발생과 세포증식에 미치는 영향 송지현;박현서;서은숙;김동연
  21. 경희대학교 박사학위논문 1,2-dimethylhydrazine으로 처리한 쥐에서 식이지방과 섬유소가 대장암 암화과정의 biomarker에 미치는 영향 최주선
  22. Am. J. physiol. v.249(Gastrointes,Liver physiol 12) Influence of luminal pH or rat large bowel epithelial cell cycle Lupton,J.R.;Coder,D.M.;Jacobs,L.R.
  23. Gut. v.34 Butyrate production against large bowel cancer in a rat model McIntyne,A.;Gibson,P.R.;Young,G.P.
  24. J. Histochem. Cytochem. v.35 Studies with antibromodeoxyuridine antibodies: II. Simultaneous immunocytochemical detection of antigen expression and DNA synthesis by in vivo labeling of mouse intestinal mucosa Schutte,B.;Reyders,M.M.J.;Bosman,F.T.;Blijham,G.H.
  25. Cancer Res. v.46 Effect of dietary saturated and unsaturated fatty acids on fecal bile acids and colon carcinogenesis induced by azoxymethane in rats Sakaguchi,M.;Minoura,T.;Hiramatsu,Y.;Takada,H.;Yamamura,M.;Hioki,K.;Yamamoto,M.
  26. Cancer Res. v.46 Effect of dietary eicosapentaenoic acid on azoxymethane-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats Minoura,T.;Takata,T.;Sakaguchi,M.;Takata,H.;Yamamura,M.;Hioki,K.;Yamamoto,M.
  27. Cancer Res.(suppl) v.51 no.SUP. Cancer prevention : Recent progress and feture opportunities Weinstein,I.B.
  28. Exp. Cell. Res. v.39 Cell proliferation studies in the intestinal epithelium of the rat. I. Determination of the kinetic parameters Cairnie,A.B.;Lamerton,L.F.;Steel,G.G.
  29. Cell. Pathol. v.26 Wright NA and appleton DR. Cell population kinetics in the epithelium of the colon of the male rat Sunter,J.P.
  30. Prostaglandins. Annual Review of Biochemistry. Samuelsson,B.;Granstrom.E.;Green,K.;Hamberg,M.;Hammarstrom,S.
  31. Cancer Res. v.46 Relationship between colonic lumianl pH, cell proliferation and colon carcinogenesis in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine treated rats fed high fiber diet Jacobs,L.R.;Lupton,J.R.
  32. Cancer v.10 Precursors of colorectal carcinoma ; Biopsy and biologic markers Obrien,M.J.;Okeane,C.;Zauber,A.;Gottlieb,L.S.;Winaver,S.J.
  33. 경희대학교 박사학위 논문 Dimethylhydrazine로 처리한 쥐에서 식이지방과 칼슘수준이 대장 암화과정의 biomarker에 미치는 영향 김채종
  34. Dis. Colon. Rectum. v.34 Investigation of colonic prostaglandins in carcinogenesis in the rat colon Yamaguchi,A.;Ishida,T.;Nisimura,G.;Katoh,M.;Miyazaki,I.
  35. Am. J. Physiol. v.260(Gastrointest. Liver Physiol 23) Role of polyamines in gastrointestinal mucosal growth McCormack,S.A.;Johnson,L.R.
  36. Digestive Diseases and Sciences v.34 no.10 Polyamines in gastrointestinal cancer Saydjari,R.;Townsend,C.M.;Barranco,S.C.;Thompson,J.C.
  37. Br. J. Surg. v.74 Assessment of ornithine decarboxylase activity in rectal mucosa as a marker for colorectal adenomas and carcinomas Moorehead,R.J.;Hoper,M.;McKelvy,S.T.D.
  38. Gut. v.28 The proliferative effects of urogastrone (epidermal growth factor) on the intestinal epithelium Goodlad,R.A.;Wilson,T.G.;Lenton,W.;Wright,N.A.;Gregory,H.;McCullagh,K.C.
  39. Colorectal Cancer ; From pathogenesis to prevention Epidermal growth factor/urogastrone stimulates gut growth via an omithine decarboxylase-dependent mechanism Goodlad,R.A.;Smith,W.;Leuton,W.;Gregory,H.;Wright,H.A.;Seitz,H.K.(ed.);Simanowski,U.A.(ed.);Wright,N.A.(ed.)
  40. Cancer Res. v.43 Inhibition of ornithine decarboxylase with 2-difluoromethylhydazine-induced colon tumors in mice Kingsnorth,A.N.;King,W.W.;Diekema,K.A.;McCann,P.P.;Ross,J.S.;Malt,R.A.
  41. Semin. Surg. Oncol. v.3 Biochemical markers in patients with familial colonic neoplasia Luk,G.D.;Silverman,A.L.;Giardiello,F.M.
  42. Prog. Lipid Res. v.20 1-arachidonyl-monoglyceride causes platelet aggregation-implications for an acylglycerol acylhydrolase involvement in control of prostaglandin synthesis Gerrard,J.M.;Graff,G.;Dedon,P.C.;Kindom,S.E.;White,J.G.
  43. Prostaglandins. v.26 Patterns of prostaglandin synthesis and degradation in isolated superficial and proliferative colnic epithelial cells compared to resicual colon Craven,P.A.;DeRubertis,F.R.
  44. Science v.227 Phagocytes as carcinogens : malignant transformation produced by human meutrophils Weitzman,S.A.;Weitberg,A.B.;Clark,E.P.;Stossel,T.P.
  45. Food Tech. v.40 no.2 Food components with potential therapeutic benefits : The ω3 poluunsaturated fatty acids of fish oils Kinsella,J.E.
  46. Biochem. J. v.249 6-desaturase activity in microsomes of rats fed diets enriched with cholesterol and/or ω3 fatty acids Gary,M.L.;Sebokova,E.;Thomson,B.R.;Clandinin,M.T.
  47. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA v.76 Triene prostaglandins : Prostacyclin and thromboxane biosynthesis and unique biological properties Needleman,P.;Raz,A.;Minkes,M.S.;Ferrendelli,J.A.;Sprecher,H.
  48. Nutr. Cancer. v.8 Effect of colon tumor development and dietary fat on the immune system of rats treated with DMH Locuiskar,M.;Nauss,K.M.;Newberne,P.M.
  49. J. Clin. Invest. v.72 Role of local prostaglandin synthesis in the modulation of proliferative activity of fat colonic epithelium Craven,P.A.;Satio,R.S.;Rubertis,F.R.
  50. Gastroenterology. v.94 Sustained increase in the proliferation of rat colonic mucosa during chronic treatment with aspirin Graven,P.A.;Thornburg,K.;de Rubertis,F.R.
  51. Ann. Rev. Biochem. v.47 Porstaglandins and thromboxanes Sumulesson,B.;Goldyne,M.;Granstrom,E.;Hamherg,M.;Hammarstrom,S.;Malmsten,C.
  52. J. Bio. Chem. v.258 Arachidonate release and phosphatidic acid turnover in stimulated human platelets Neufeld,E.J.;Majerus,P.W.
  53. J. Bio. Chem. v.256 The initial action of thrombin on platelets Lapetina,E.G.;Billah,M.M.;Cuatreeasas,P.
  54. 한국생화학회지 v.27 no.6 발암원을 투여한 쥐에서 들기름이 대장종양발생과 조직의 지방산 조성 및 eicosanoids 생성에 미치는 영향 송지현;박현서
  55. Mutat. Res. v.31 Methods for detecting carcinogens and mutagens with the salmonella mammalian microsome mutagenicity test Ames,B.N.;Mc Cann,J.;Yamaski,E.
  56. Carcinogenesis. v.4 Calcium ameliorates the toxic effects of deoxycholic acid on colonic epithelium Wargorich,M.J.;Eng,V.W.S.;Newmark,H.L.;Bruce,W.R.
  57. Cancer. Res. v.41 Diet and excretion of bile acids Reddy,B.S.
  58. Cancer. Res. v.50 Production of diacylglycerol, an activator of protein kinase C. by human intestinal microflora Morotomi,M.;Guillem,J.G.;LoGerfo,P.;Weistein,I.B.
  59. Animal products in human nutrition Cholesterol and carcinogenic fecal steroids Owen,R.W.;Hill,M.J.;Beitz,D.(ed.);Hansen,R.G.(ed.)
  60. Cancer. v.39 Metabolic epidemology of colon cancer ; faecal bile acids and neutral sterols in colon cancer patients and patients with adenomatous polyps Reddy,B.S.;Wynder,E.L.