채소연부병균 Erwinia herbicola의 생육억제균 분리 및 특성

Isolation and Characterization of Antagonistic Bacteria for Biocontrol of Erwinia herbicola Causing Vegetable Soft Rot

  • 김교창 (충북대학교 식품공학과) ;
  • 도대홍 (충청전문대학 식품공업과, 충청전문대학 식품영양과) ;
  • 김도영
  • 발행 : 1996.09.01


For the selection of powerful antagonistic bacterium for biological control of Ewinia sp. causing vegetable soft rot, two excellent strains (54, 565) were selected from 1, 196 strains of bacteria which were isolated from rhizospere in vegetable root rot suppressive soil. Selected 2 strains were identified to be a species to Pseudomonas fluorescens S4 and pseudomonas fluorescens S65 (PS65). The highest of inhibitory activity was produced in 523 synthetic broth medium at pH 7.0 and 25t during 3 ethyl-Al-folpet, and the antibiotics such as vancomycin, perucillin and lincomycin, only PS4 was resistant to erythromycin.
