식습관과 노년기 골격상태와의 관계 연구

The Study of the Relationship between Food Habits and Bone State in the Elderly

  • 발행 : 1996.06.01


To investigate the effect of food habits on the bone state of the senior citizens, two groups were tested: one(111 senior citizens) was healthy ordinary senior citizens over 65 years old and the other(51 senior citizens) was patients distinguished as having osteoporosis. The present dietary intake was estimated by a 24-hr recall method, and individual history. For the data analysis, percentages and frequencies were calculated and χ²-test was undertaken to test the relation among values. The following results were obtained: patient group with osteoporosis was less in height and weight than the group of ordinary senior citizens(160.33cm, 59.99kg). It was much less than the average Korean senior citizens(158cm, 54.9kg). Food appetite in the group of patient was worse than that of ordinary senior citizens group. According to their dietary history(58.8%), the food intake pattern was most of vegetables(62.0%). Eventhough they haven't been intaken milk after recognizing of their osteoporosis(74.5%). Most of them didn't improve their food habits to help Ca metabolism. Also they have depress of their life(50%). All subjects certainly took insufficient energy, Ca, protein from their diets. Moreover the major source of Ca were vegetables, seaweeds and legumes.



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