Texture-modifying and freeze-thaw stabilizing effects of different wheat gluten and modified starches on surimi based-product were evaluated. The different incorporation manners of wheat gluten and modified wheat starch in surimi gel were also examined to evaluate their effects of textural properties on surimi gel. The addition of wheat gluten reduced the gel strength of surimi, but after freeze-thaw cycle it significantly improved freeze-thaw stability by reducing freexe-thaw expressible moisture and also by preventing rubbery texture development, Gluten-1 incorporated surimi gel showed higher functionality in forming cohesive gel determined by compressive and penetration force as wall as expressible moisture after freeze-thaw cycle. Surimi gel containing modified wheat starch showed better freeze-thaw stability that of modified potato starch. When a preblended mixture of wheat gluten and starch are incorporated into surimi gel, it made gel texture significantly softer as so in high sensory score. The compertition for moisture between gluten and starch is a main reason to show different way of textural modification.