조건부 종속성에 대한 Markov 연쇄의 최적차수 추정

  • 이재준 (정회원, 금오공과대학교 토목공학과)
  • Published : 1996.02.01




  1. 금오공과대학교 논문집 v.14 AIC를 이용한 건습일 계열에 대한 Markov 연쇄의 차수추정 이재준;이정식;김홍태
  2. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. v.22 Statistical Predictor Identification Akaike, H.
  3. Proc. IEEE Trans. Aut. Cont. v.AC-19 no.6 A New Look at the Statistical Model Identification Akaike, H.
  4. Ann. of Math. Statist. v.28 no.1 Statistical Inference about Markov Chains Anderson, T. W.;L. A. Goodman
  5. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. v.47 The Frequency Goodness of Fit Test for Probability Chains Bartlett, M. S.
  6. Ann. of Math. Statist. v.32 no.1 Statistical Methods in Markov Chains Billingsley, P.
  7. Ann. of Math. Statist. v.42 no.6 Asymptotically Optimal Tests for Finite Markov Chains Boza, L. B.
  8. Water Resour. Res. v.13 no.6 Modeling Daily Precipitation Occurrence Process with a Markov Chain Chin, E. H.
  9. Ann. of Math. Statist. v.41 no.1 The Weighted Likelihood Ratio, Sharp Hypothesis about Changes, the Order of a Markov Chain Dickey, J. M.;B. P. Lientz
  10. Jour. Appl. Meteor. v.19 no.4 Identification of Models for Some Time Series of Atmospheric Origin with Akaike's Information Criteria Eidsvik, K. J.
  11. Jour. Appl. Meteor. v.15 On Markov Chain Modeling to Some Weather Data Gates, P.;H. Tong
  12. Biometrika v.42 The Likelihood Ratio Test for Markov Chains Good, I. J.
  13. Biometrika v.41 A Test for Markov Chains Hoel, P. G.
  14. Jour. Appl. Meteor. v.13 Computing Probabilities Associated with the Markov Chain Model for Precipitation Katz, R. W.
  15. Jour. Appl. Meteor. v.16 Precipitation as a Chain-Dependent Process Katz, R. W.
  16. Sixth Conf. on Prob. and Statist. in Atmosp. Sci. Estimating the Order of a Markov Chain: Another Look at the Tel Aviv Rainfall Data Katz, R. W.
  17. Water Resour. Res. v.15 no.6 Parsimony in Modelling Daily Precipitation Katz, R. W.
  18. Techno-metrics v.23 no.3 On Some Criteria for Estimating the Order of a Markov Chain Katz, R. W.
  19. Proc. Third Inter. Hydrol. Symp. on Theoretical and Applied Hydrology A First Order Nonhomogeneous Markov Chain for the Daily Rainfall Occurrences in Ankara Kavvas, M. L.;A. A. Aksit;Y. K. Tulunay
  20. Mon. Weath. Rev. v.96 no.11 Markov Chains of Order Greater Than One Lowry, W. P.;D. Guthrie
  21. Ann. of Statist. v.6 no.2 Estimating the Dimension of a Model Schwartz, G.
  22. Jour. Royal Statist. Soc. B v.41 no.2 Comments on Model Selection Criteria of Akaike and Schwartz Stone, M.
  23. Jour. Appl. Prob. v.12 Determination of the Order of a Markov Chain by Akaike's Information Criterion Tong, H.