全球의 潛在的 森林面積을 推定하기 위한 植生圖 製作시스템 開發

Development of Global Natural Vegetation Mapping System for Estimating Potential Forest Area

  • Cha, Gyung Soo (Department of Forestry, Chonnam National University)
  • 발행 : 1996.10.01


Global natural vegetation mapping (GNVM) system was developed for estimating potential forest area of the globe. With input of monthly mean temperature and monthly precipitation observed at weather stations, the system spherically interpolates them into 1°×1°grid points on a blobe, converts them into vegetation types, and produces a potential vegetation map and a potenital vegetation area. The spherical interpolation was based on negative exponential function fed from the constant radius stations with oval weighing method which is latitudinally elongated weighing in temperature and longitudinally elongated weighing in precipitation. The temperature values were corrected for altitude by applying a linear lapse-rate (0.65℃ / 100m) with reference to a built-in digital terrain map of the globe. The vegetation classification was based upon Koppen’s sKDICe. The potential forest area is estimated for 6.96 Gha (46.24%) of the global land area (15.05 Gha).



  1. 地圖投影法 野村正七
  2. 全球의 잠在植生分布를 推定하기 위한 最適球面補間法의 開發 車璟洙;落合公也
  3. 理科年表 國立天文臺
  4. 理科年表 東京天文臺
  5. 測地學入門 萩原幸男
  6. The Global 2000 Report to the Presiden of the U.S. v.1 Barney, G.O.
  7. The Distinct World Ocean BOEHHO-MOPCKONOJIOT
  8. Vegetation Dynamics and Global Change Assessing impacts of climate change on vegetation using climate classification system Cramer, W.P.;R. Leemans;A.M. Solomon(ed.);H.H. Shugart(ed.)
  9. Climatic Change v.7 Climate change and the broad-scale distribution of terrestrial ecosystem complexes Emanuel, W.R.;H.H. Shugart;M.P. Stevenson
  10. Climatic Change v.7 Response of comment: Climate change and the broad-scale distribution of terrestrial ecosystem complexes Emanuel, W.R.;H.H. Shugart;M.P. Stevenson
  11. Forest Resources of Tropical Asia FAO
  12. Tropical Forest Resources FAO
  13. Climatic Change v.16 A modified Koppen classification applied to model simulations of glacial and interglacial climates Gutter, P.J.;J.E. Kutzbach
  14. Science v.105 Determination of world plant formations from simple climatic data Holdridge, L.R.
  15. Climate: Present, Past and Future Lamb, H.H.
  16. FAO Statement to the 8th Biennial Convention of the Asian Association of Agricultural Colleges and Universities Mercado, J. L.
  17. Selective Climatic Data for a Global set of Standard Stations for Vegetation Science Muller, M.J.
  18. Change in Land Use and Land Cover: A Global Perspective Land-use and land-cover projection: Report of working group C Robinson, J.;S. Brush;I. Douglas;T.E. Graedel;D. Graetz;W. Hodge;D. Liverman;J. Melillo;R. Moss;A. Naumov;G. Njiru;J. Penner;P. Rogers;V. Ruttan;J. Sturdevant;W.B. Meyer(ed.);B.L. Turner Ⅱ(ed.)
  19. Trends Ecol. Evol. v.5 Using ecosystem models to assess potential consequences of global climatic change Shugart, H.H.
  20. Geogr. Rev. v.23 The climates of the earth Thornthwaite, C.W.
  21. Vegetation of the Earth and Ecological Systems of the Geobiosphere Walter, H.H.
  22. Human Ecol. v.1 The primary production of the biosphere Whittaker, R.H.;G.E. Likens