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Early Alterations of Chlorophyll Fluorescence by Light-Chilling in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) Leaves and Their Usage as Stress Indicators

  • Ha, Suk-Bong (Department of Molecular Biology, Pusan National University, Pusan 609-735, Korea) ;
  • Young-Jae Eu (Department of Molecular Biology, Pusan National University, Pusan 609-735, Korea) ;
  • Choon-Hwan Lee (Department of Molecular Biology, Pusan National University, Pusan 609-735, Korea)
  • 발행 : 1996.04.01


To investigate the early symptoms of light-chilling, alterations of chlorophyll fluorescence transients were monitored in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Ilmichungjang) leaves. During 24 h chilling, decreases in (Fv)m/Fm, qE and qQ, and an increase in Fo were observed. The chilling effects were not recovered at room temperature, and a significant increase in Fo was observed during the recovery period. After 6 h chilling, ‘dip’(D) level of the transients became obscure, and the negative slope after ‘peak’(P) disappeared. The first derivative (dFv/dt) of the fast fluorescence rise curve was used to obtain more accurate information about the changes in the transients. The maximal rate of the fluorescence increase in the D-p rise curve (Fr) has been the most frequently used chilling stress indicator. However, a correct value of Fr could not be measured when the D level became obscure. This problem was overcome by introducing a new indicator, HFr (dFv/dt at Fv = 1/2 (Fv)m), and HFr gave very similar values to Fr. To monitor the changes in curvature around D level, another new parameter, ${\Delta}S$(D-Fr), was also introduced. These three parameters decreased very sensitively during light-chilling. In addition, increases in these parameters were observed during the first 2 h chilling, but this increase in Fr was also observed in pea leaf discs dark-chilled for 15 min, suggesting that this very early change is a common response to chilling in both pea and cucumber leaves. Quenching coefficients were also very sensitive to chilling, especially qE. Discussion on the usage of these parameters as chilling stress indicators is given in the text.



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