- 기상월보 기상청
- Plant Photosynthetic Production : Manual and Methods Radiation and crop structure Anderson, M.C.;Z. Sestak(ed.);J. Catsky(ed.);P.G. Jarvis(ed.)
- PUDOC Simulation of Assimilation, Respiration and Transpiration of Crops De Wit, C.T.;J. Goudriaan;H.H. Van Laar;F.W.T. Penning de Vries;R. Rabbingge;H. van Keulen
- Oecologia v.38 A simulated model of Bouteloua gracilis biomass dynamics on the North american shortgrass prairie Detling, J.K.;W.J. Parton;H.W. Hunt
- Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe XXXII Simulation of the effect of increased atmospheric CO₂ on assimilation and transpiration of a closed crop canopy goudriaan, J.;H.H. van Larr;H. van Keulen;W. Louwerse
- Plant and Microclimate Jones, H.J.
- Forest Ecology and Management v.30 Modelling the yield of Pinus radiata on a site limited by water and nitrogen McMurtrie, R.E.;D.A. Rook;F.M. Kelliher
- Forest Ecology and Management v.30 Water / nutrient interactions affecting productivity of stands of Pinus radiata McMurtrie, R.E.;M.L. Benson;S.W. Running;T. Talsma;W.J.B. Crane;B.J. Myers
- Forest Ecology and Management v.9 Simulation of primary production in even-aged stands of Douglas-fir Mohren, G.M.J.;C.P. Van Gerwen;C.J.T. Spitters
- Plant Physiological Ecology Radiation and light measurements Pearcy, R.W.;R.W. Pearcy(ed.);J. Ehleringer(ed.);H.A. Mooney(ed.);P.W. Rundel(ed.)
- Solar Radiation Robinson, N.
- Ecological Modelling v.42 A general model of forest ecosystem processes for regional applications. Ⅰ. Hydrologic balance, canopy gas exchange and primary production processes Running, S.W.;J.C. Coughlan
- Hydrological Memorandum v.45 The Meteorological Office Rainfall and Evaporation Calculation System: MORECS (July 1981) Thompson, N.;J.A. Barrie;M. Ayles
- Dissertation. University of Edinburgh Crown Structure, Radiation Absorption, Photosynthesis and Transpiration Wang, Y.P.