백로와 왜가리 집단번식이 소나무군집에 미치는 영향

Effects of Group Breedling of Herons of Pine Community

  • Mun, Hyeong-Tae (Department of Biology, Kongju National University) ;
  • Sam-Rae Cho (Department of Biology, Kongju National University)
  • 발행 : 1996.02.01


Effects of group breeding of herons on pine community were studied at Pomaeri, in Yangyang, Kangwon Province, Korea. This site has been protected as a Natural Monument (No. 229) since 1970. Herons have used this habitat as a breeding site from] anuary to October every year. In 1995, more than 500 herons were observed in this habitat. Many big pine trees are dying or already dead due to group inhabitation of herons, and no pine saplings were found at forest floor in this habitat. Nutrient contents of soil in this habitat were much higher than those in control plot. This must be due to the addition of feces from herons and of thin twigs and other organic materials from the canopy and bird nests. Species composition of herb layer in this habitat was quite different from that in control plot. Breeding site was dominated by Humulus japonicus. Persiearia perJohata, Persicaria thunbergii. and Commelina communis. which are indicator species of soil eutrophication.



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