- 最新園藝 v.4 버섯害蟲의 생태 및 방제 金光布
- 農振廳 農技硏報 양송이 病害蟲 防除에 關한 試驗 金泰山;金光布
- Korean J. Appl. Entomol. v.35 no.1 An investigation of insect pest on the Mushroom(Lentinus edode, Pleurotus ostreatus) in south region of Korea K. J. Kim;C. Y. Hwang
- 農振廳 農技硏報 느타리버섯 버섯파리 樂濟防除選拔實驗 金泰山;金光布
- Microbiol. Rev. v.53 Insecticidal crystal proteins of bacillus thuringiensis Hofte, H.;H. R. Whiteley
- 농시논문집 v.19 버섯파리類 Mycophila sp. 幼筮에 依한 양송이 自實體 汚染 防止에 關한 試驗 한용식;신관철;김광포
- J. Invertebr. pathol. v.44 Isolation of a Bacillus thringiensis strain(serotype 8a : 8b) highly and selectively toxic against mosquito larvae Padua, L. E.;M. Ohba;K. Aizawa
- J. Econ. Entomol. v.77 Effectiveness of Bacillus thringiensis var. israelensis in controllin a sciarid fly, Lycoriella mali, in Mushroom compost George, E. A.;William, W. C.
- J. Invertebr. pathol. v.36 The isolates of Bacillus thringiensis serotype 10 with highly pre ferential toxicity to mosquito larvae Leodegario, E. P.;Michio, O.;K. Aizawa
- Bacterial Control of Mosquitoes & Black Files Parasporal body of Bacillus thringiensis Federici, B. A.;P. Luthy;P. V. Pietrantonio;de Barjac H.(ed.);D. J. Surtherland(ed.)
- FEMS. Micro. letteters. v.114 Characterization of a Bacillus thuringiensis strain which is toxic to the housefly Musca domestica T. C. Hodgman;Y. Ziniu;S. Ming;T. Sawyer;C. M. Nicholls;D. J. Ellar
- J. Invertebr. Pathol. v.32 Serological identification of Bacillus thruringiensis and related bacteria isolated in Japan Ohaba, M.;K. Aizawa;S. Sudo
- Korean J. Appl. Entomol. v.33 no.3 Degradation of the parasporal crystal proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis and induction of stress protein synthesis in Bt δ-endotoxin ingested larvae of fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea Cheon, H. M.;Y. M. Yu;S. K. Kang;S. J. Seo
- Nature (London) v.227 Clavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4 Laemmli, U. K.
- Mosquito News. v.37 A bacterial spore demonstrating rapid larvicidal activity against Anopheles segentii, Uranotaenia unguiculata, Culex Univitattus, Aedes aegypti and Culex Pipiens Goldberg, L. J.;Margalit, J.
- Microbiology. FEMS., Micro letter v.131 Contribution of individual components of the δ-endotoxin crystal to the mosquitocidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis sub. israelensis Neil, C.;Eileen, J. B.;Juliet, A. W.;Davis, J. E.
- Bacterial Protein Toxin Structure and activity of the B. thringiensis δ-endotoxin Lecadet, M. M.;Lereclus;J. E. Alouf(ed.);F. J. Fehrenbach(ed.);J. H. Freer(ed.);J. Jeljaszewicz(ed.)