자생식물 중 실내분화용, 절화 및 화단용으로서 가치가 높고, 한약으로서 이용 가능한 용담의 기내개화 및 대량증식 체계를 확립하기 위하여 식물체의 부위 및 생장조절제의 효과를 시험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 화뢰의 출현은 0.5mg/l kinetin과 GA_${3}$를 첨가하였을 때 가장 많았으나 그 효과는 kinetine이 더 좋았다. 최적의 GA_${3}$나 kinetin농도일 때 두가지 생장조절제를 혼용하면 오히려 화뢰형성수가 감소되었고, 저농도에서는 상호작용의 효과가 있었다 화뢰가 50% 형성되는데 걸리는 주수(T_50는 0.1mg/l GA_3가 첨가되었을 때 Kinetin의 농도에 관계없이 11-14주이었다. 측지 발생은 GA_${3}$의 효과가 kinetin보다 좋았고, 농도는 모두 1.0mg/l까지 높을 수록 좋았다. 중간정도의 농도(0.5mg/l)에서 두 생장조절제간의 상호작용이 인정되었다. 뿌리의 형성은 GA$_{3}$의 농도가 높을 수록 감소하였다. 꼬투리의 크기가 8mm까지 클수록 발아력이 높았으며, 꼬투리의 크기가 작을 수록 비정상적인 식물체가 많았다. 배지에 GA_${3}$/l 첨가는 발아력을 현저히 증가시켰다.
Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of plant growth regulators on in vitro flowering and micropropagation of Gentiana scabra Bunge which had been used the cut flower, pot flower ornamental and medicinal plants. Flower bud formation was affected by GA$_{3}$ and kinetin. The optimum concentrations for flower bud formation was observed at 0.5 mg/l kinetin and GA$_{3}$ , while kinetin was favorable. More flowerings result from the interaction of GA$_{3}$ and kinetin at in a combination of 0.1 mg/l kinetin + o.1 mg/l GA$_{3}$, but the optimum concentration of GA$_{3}$ and kinetin was decreased. All concentrations of kinetin with 0.1 mg/l GA$_{3}$ or O mg/l GA$_{3}$ + 0.5 mg/l kientin reduced t (weeks needed for 50% plantlets). The plantlet growth was affected by GA$_{3}$ and kinetin during plantlet culture. More lateral shots and better shoot length per plantlet were obtained as GA$_{3}$ and kinetin concentration were increased up to 1.0 mg/l. The number of per plantlet was greater increased in MS medium containing GA$_{3}$ than kinetin. Interaction was exhibited at lower concentration with 0.5mg/l GA$_{3}$ and kinetin, but not in higher concentration with 1.0 mg/l GA$_{3}$ and kinetin. Higher pod diameter increased seed germination, while lower pod diameter was obtained from abnormal plantlet. MA medium containing 0.5 mg/l GA$_{3}$ significantly increased germination without regard to pod diameter.