의류광고효과에 미치는 감정반응 연구

A Study Affection response on Clothing Advertisement Effect

  • 발행 : 1996.02.01


Clothing is high-involvement products which is closely related with human being both physically and psychologically. It is the prod-uct bought by consumer repeatedly and needs lots of information according to the changing of modes. The comsumer is very sensitive to the advertisement when they purchase the clothing products. Therefore the importance of the advertising is remakably emphasized in these days. According to the qualitative and quantitat-ive growth of advertisement the unique mar-keting strategy must be deviced that is differ-ent from the past. This thesis focuses onthe importance of afection which is more pre-ferred when consumer contacts the advertise-ment. And this study purposes on the provid-ing the basic data to plan effective clothing advertisement by way of analyzing how atti-tude-forming affects the purchase intend of the comsumer. The findings of the study are as follows. 1. Sense-pursuit tendency is strongly ap-peared among the low-age not-married groups. 2. By the factor analysis of consumer re-sponse in each advertisement 5 factors proved to be valid ones 3. There were significant differences be-tween the brand-used and advertisement ex-perienced customers according to the adver-tisement/brand attitudes. 4. There were no significant differences be-tween the application of clothing advertise-ment and demographic character. 5. The affective response more affects on cognitive response and purchase intend in 4 modes of advertisement. 6. From the pathes of the brand-used experi-enced to purchase intend the characteristics showed up in each advertisement.
