산업분야 정보서비스를 위한 매체개발

Media development for industrial information service

  • 발행 : 1996.03.01


This study attempts to developing an organizational model for industrial information service a n.0, pplicable to industrial su n.0, pporting organization in every industrial sectors. An emphasis is placed on the discussion of the a n.0, ppreciation of industrial climate. Raw data is easily accessible, but industry requires judged, evaluated and assessed information. The case of Korea Federation of Textile Industries is used. The proposed industrial information service model consists of the following elements. Managerial information is frequently published, assessing information from a variety of sources and its implications on products development. Technical information is less frequently published, assessing from serials subscribing for industrial su n.0, pporting organization. Online information system could be adopted. Database such as statistics, personnel, industrial premises, exhibition, bibliographic are desirable.
