- 한국과학기술연구원 연구보고서 지구환경 감시 및 기후변화 예측기술-서울지방의 스모그현상 연구 (Ⅱ) 문길주;심상규;김용표;백남준;김태오;박세옥;김성주
- 한국과학기술연구원 연구보고서 지구환경 감시 및 기후변화 예측기술-서울지방의 스모그현상 연구 (Ⅲ) 문길주;심상규;김용표;백남준;박세옥;송철한;김진영;이종훈;김성주;진현철
- 한국과학기술연구원 연구보고서 지구환경 감시 및 기후변화 예측기술-서울 지방의 스모그 현상 연구 (Ⅰ) 문길주;심상규;백남준;김성주
- 한국대기보전학회지 v.10 no.3 1980-1993년의 기간의 서울의 시정 추이 박세옥;백남준;김용표;문길주;김영성
- 한국대기보전학회지 v.10 no.1 서울시의 1993년 가을철 시정 및 입자특성 측정 및 분석 백남준;김태오;김성주;김용표;문길주
- 한국대기보전학회지 v.10 no.2 서울시의 1993년 가을 스모그 특성모사 백남준;이성준;김용표;문길주;조영일
- 국립환경연구원보 v.9 대기 중 입자상 물질의 생성 및 동태에 관한 연구 이민희;한의정;신찬기;한진석;정해동;사원회
- 한국대기보전학회지 v.11 no.3 1993년 8월의 서울지역 시정 연구 이종훈;백남준;김용표;문길주
- Atmos. Environ. v.24A no.3 Real-time, in situmeasurements of atmospheric optical absorption in the visible via photoacoustic spectroscopy : Ⅳ. Visibility degradation and aerosol optical properties in Los Angeles Adams,K.M.;L.I.Davis,Jr.;S.M.Japar;P.R.Finley
- Korean J. Ch. E. v.12 no.3 Trend of visibility impairment caused by smog phenomenon in Seoul Baik,N.J.;J.H.Lee;Y.P.Kim;K.C.Moon
- Atmos. Environ. v.30 no.13 Visibility study in Seoul, 1993 Baik,N.J.;Y.P.Kim;K.C.Moon
- Handbook of air pollution technology Calvert,S.
- AeroVironment Inc.,Final Report AV-FR-88/739R Southern California Air Quality Study B-site Operations Chan,M.;K.Durkee
- JAPCA v.30 no.11 The Denver winter aerosol: A comprehensive chemical characterization Countess,R.J.;G.T.Wolff;S.T.Cadle
- JAPCA v.31 no.3 Chemical analysis of size-segregated samples of Denver's ambient particulate Countess,R.J.;S.T.Cadle;P.J.Groblicki;G.T.Wolff
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.16 no.8 Visi-bility and aerosol composition in Hous-ton, Texas Dzubay,T.G.;R.K.Stevens;C.W.Lewis;D.H.Hern;W.J.Courtney;J.W.Tesch;M.A.Mason
- AeroVironment Report AV-R-87/649 Design and Testing of the SCAQS Sampler for the SCAQS Study,1987 Fitz,D.;J.Zwicker
- Aerosol Science and Technology v.12 Particulate carbon speciation by MnO₂oxidation Fung,K.
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.20 no.6 Characteristics of atmospheric organic and elemental carbon particle concentration in Los Angeles Gray,H.A.;G.R.Cass;J.J.Huntzicker;E.K.Heyerdahl;J.A.Rau
- Atmos. Environ. v.15 Visibility-reducing species in the Denver Brown Cloud : 1. Relationship between extinction and chemical composition Groblicki,P.J.;G.T.Wolff;R.J.Countess
- Atmos. Environ. v.7 On the effect of the loss of large particles on the determination of scattering coefficients with integrating nephelometers Heintzenberg,J.;H.Quenzel
- Air Water Poll. Int. J. v.10 Calculations of color and visibility in urban atmospheres polluted by gaseous NO₂ Hodkinson,J.R.
- Beitr. Phys. Frei. Atmos. v.12 no.33-53 Theorie der horizontalen Sichtweite Koschmieder,H.
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.23 no.3 Characteristics of summer midday low-visibility events in the Los Angeles area Larson,S.M.;G.R.Cass
- Chemical Engineering Progress Environmental problem solving: The 1987-88 metro Denver brown cloud study Lyons,C.E.
- Atmos. Environ. v.28 no.2 Examining the relationship between atmospheric aerosols and light extinction at Mount Rainier and North Cascades National Parks Malm,W.C.;K.A.Gebhart,;J.Molenar;T.Cahill,;R.Eldred;D.Huffman
- Atmos. Environ. v.23 no.2 On the sensitivity of particle size to relative humidity for Los Angeles aerosols McMurry,P.H.;M.R.Stolzenburg
- Pure & Applied Chem. v.67 no.8;9 Characteristics of Seoul smog Moon,K.C.;Y.P.Kim;N.J.Baik;J.H.Lee
- Paper pres. at the Symposium on Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Aerosols : Source/Air Quality Relationships, Second Chemical Congress of the North American Continent Chemical species contribution to light scattering by aerosols at a remote arid site: Comparison of statistical and theoretical results Ouimette,J.R.;R.C.Flagan;A.R.Kelso
- JAPCA v.34 The carbon component of the Los Angeles aerosol : Source appointment and contributions to the visibility budget Pratsinis,S.;E.C.Ellis;T.Novakov;S.K.Friedlander
- Ph. D. Thesis Oregon Graduate Center Measurements of carbonaceous aerosol across the U.S.: Sources and role in visibility degradation Shah,J.J.
- Atmos. Environ. v.18 no.4 Optical properties of aerosols of mixed composition Sloane,C.S.
- Atmos. Environ. v.19 no.4 Prediction of ambient light scattering using a physical model responsive to relative humidity : Validation with measurements from Detroit Sloane,C.S.;G.T.Wolff
- Atmos. Environ. v.15 no.10;11 Optical characteristics of atmospheric aerosols Waggoner,A.P.;R.E.Weiss;N.C.Ahlquist;D.S.Coaert;S.Will;R.J.Charlson
- California Institute of Technology, Final Report No.36 Modeling Aerosol Processes and Visibility based on the SCAQS Data Wexler,A.S.;A.Elderig;S.N.Pandis;G.R.Cass;J.H.Seinfeld;K.C.Moon;S.V.Hering
- JAPCA v.32 The relationships between the chemical composition of fine particles and visibility in the Detroit metropolitan area Wolff,G.T.;M.A.Ferman;N.A.Kelly;D.P.Stroup;M.S.Ruthkosky
- Atmos. Environ. v.19 no.8 Relationships between fine particulate species, gaseous pollutants and meteorological parameters in Detroit Wolff,G.T.;P.E.Korsog;N.A.Kelly;M.A.Ferman