A Study on the Prediction of Sediment Yield and its Elevation in Fresh Desalted Reservoirs

담수호의 침전량과 분포 예측에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1996.04.01


This study was performed to derive the formula of sediment yield and predict the sediment elevation for fresh desalted reservoirs. Data analyzed was from 3 fresh desalted reservoirs of Sapkyo, Asan, and Namyang. Average sediment yield calculated from the sediment survey data was $279m^3/km^2/$ year for Sapkyo lake, $523m^3/km^2/$ year for Namyang lake, and $190m^3/km^2/$ year for Asan lake. The trap efficiency for Sapkyo lake was 63%. The formula of sediment yield was derived as $Q_s=6,461{\times}A{^-0.44}$ for fresh desalted reservoir. Sediment yield in fresh desalted reservoirs was much higher than that in inland reservoirs located in the same watershed, because of long trap time in fresh desalted reservoirs.



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