비즈니스 리엔지니어링의 핵심 도구로서 그룹웨어에 관한 연구

A study on the groupware as a critical tool for business reengineering

  • 발행 : 1996.06.01


Information technology's potential for changing processes is widely acknowledged and various information technologies exist as a tool making business reengineering possible. Groupware is one of information technology that typically work in concert to bring out change in processes. This paper attempts to explain the importance of groupware as a critical information technology for business reengineering by developing a methodology of applying groupware to business reengineering. In order to understand the applicability of groupware to business reengineering, this paper has the following objectives. 1) Examines how the capability of groupware can play as a chang lever or enabler of process innovation explicitly. 2) Propose a integrated business reengineering methodology that incorporates process, process environment and information technologies specifically. A case study was used to provide the insight how groupware can play as a enabler of process innovation. The case was analyzed according to the reengineering methodology we proposed.



  1. 한국경영과학회 MIS연구회 '94 10월 포럼 그룹웨어와 그룹회의 시스템 김성희
  2. 정보기술과 의사결정 김성희;박흥국;전기정
  3. 비지니스 프로세스 리엔지니어링 김효석;김경한
  4. 리엔지니어링 열풍 그후 김효석;김경한
  5. 컨커런트 엔지니어링 스즈에 도시오
  6. 네트워크 타임즈 그룹웨어란 무엇인가? 정진
  7. 네트웍타임즈 정형업무 지원하는 전자결재 시스템의 요체 정진
  8. 네트웍타임즈 조직혁신과 그룹웨어 개발. 이용방향 정진
  9. 네트웍타임즈 실시간 회의시스템의 기능. 운영과 효과비교 정진
  10. 경영과 정보통신기술 안중호
  11. 리엔지니어링 기업혁명 안중호;박찬구
  12. 세븐일레븐의의 유통혁명 오카타 도모유키
  13. 생산시스템의 리엔지니어링 에구치 가르미
  14. 컴퓨터월드 홍용기
  15. Logistics Data Interchange : An Emnrging Competitive Weapon for Shippers Anderson,David
  16. Groupware '94 Boston Groupware : Past,Present and Future Coleman,David
  17. White Paper Groupware : Changing Business for the '90s Coleman,David
  18. TQM for sales and marketing management Cortada,W.James
  19. The reengineering toolkit Currid,Cheryl
  20. Process Innovation : Reengineering Work through Information Technology Davenport, Thomas H.
  21. Groupware '94 Boston How to Deliver Groupware Successfully Davenport, Thomas H.
  22. Sloan Managent Review The New Industrial Engineering : Information Technology and Business Process Resign Davanport, Thomas H.;James E. Short
  23. Decision Support Systems : A Decade in Perspective Gray,P.
  24. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Grief,I.(ed)
  25. Reinventing the Warehouse Harmon,Roy
  26. Reinventing the Factory Harmon,Poy;Leory D. Peterson
  27. COMPUTER MAGAZINE Workflow and Established System Hsu,Meichun;Mike Howard
  28. Journal of Organizational Computing no.2 Groupware : Future Direction and Wild Cards Johnson,Robert
  29. Network World Groupware Buyer's Guide Kobielus,James
  30. Groupware '94 Boston Using Electronic Meeting Systems For More Effective Meetings and for Business Process Reengineering March, Brice F.;Lawrence Massman
  31. Re-engineering your Business Morris, Daniel;Joel Brandon
  32. Network World Groupware selection : An uphill Climb Marshak,Ronni.
  33. Strategy Formulation Methologies and IT, Strategy and Information Technology Morton,S.
  34. Groupware '94 Boston Groupware User Experience : Ten Years of Lessons with Group-Systems Nunamaker,J.F.
  35. Groupware '94 Boston Groupware User Experience : Ten Years of Lessons with Group-Systems Nunamaker,J.F.;Robert O.Briggs
  36. Masscustomization Pine,B.Joseph
  37. Havard Business Review How Information Gives You Competitive Advantage Porter,Michael E.;Victor E.Millar
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  40. SYSTEMS ANALYSIS and DESIGN Shelly, Gary B.;Thomas J. Cashman;Judy Adamski;Joseph J. Adamski
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