• 발행 : 1996.09.01


The effects of $\alpha$- and $\beta$-cyclodextrins (CD) on the twisted intramolecular charge transfer (TICT) behavior of p-N,N'-dimethylaminobenzoic acid (DMABA) in buffered aqueous solution have been investigated by examining formation and decay behaviors of the TICT-typical dual fluorescence. The ratio of the TICT emission to the normal emission (I$_a$/I$_b$) increases linearly $\alpha$-CD concentration increases, while in the presence of $\beta$-CD it shows nonlinear dependences on the CD concentration. The analysis of the CD-dependent changes of the I$_a$/I$_b$ and absorption spectra demonstrates formation of 1:1 inclusion complexes between DMABA and CDs. The decay time of the normal emission (ca. 700 ps) is little affected by the formation of $\alpha$-CD inclusion complex, whereas it increases upto ca. 1.6 ns upon formation of $\beta$-CD inclusion complex. The TICT emission for the $\beta$-CD inclusion complex exhibits two decay components while it shows a single component for the $\alpha$-CD inclusion complex, indicating formation of one or two types of inclusion complex in the presence of $\alpha$-CD or $\beta$-CD, respectively. These results are attributed to the CD cavity size dependence on patterns of complexation between CDs and DMABA. The CD size dependences of the TICT fluorescence properties with the orientation of the guest molecule demonstrate that the specific hydrogen bonding between the carboxylic acid group and water plays an important role in the excited-state TICT.



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