생체 시스템의 혼돈과 정보 처리에의 응용

  • 발행 : 1996.11.01




  1. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos v.2 no.4 Memory effects in discrete dynamical systems F.Aicardi;S.Invernizzi
  2. Physics Letters A v.114 Chaotic neural network K.Aihara;T.Takabe;M.Toyoda
  3. Psychological Review v.84 Distinctive features, categorical perception, and probability learning : Some applications of a neural model J.A.Anderson;J.W.Silverstein;S.R.Ritz;R.S.Jones
  4. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks v.7 no.2 Information processing using dynamical chaos : neural networks implementation Y.V.Andreyev;Y.L.Belsky;A.S.Dmitriev;D.A.Kuminov
  5. International Journal of Bifurcation an dChaos v.2 no.3 Associative and random access memory using one-dimensional maps Y.V.Andreyev;A.S.Dmitriev;L.O.Chua;C.W.Wu
  6. Neural Networks v.2 Neural network models for pattern recognition and associative memory G.A.Carpenter
  7. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals v.3 no.2 Analysis of neural networks with chaotic dynamics F.Chapeau-Bloneau
  8. Understanding the Nervous System An engineering Perspective S.Deutsch;A.Deusch
  9. International Journal o Bifurcation and Chaos v.2 no.3 Tutorial on neurobiology : from single neurons to brain chaos W.J.Freeman
  10. Neural Networks v.1 Nonlinear neural networks : principles, mechanisms and architectures S.Grossberg
  11. Neural and Synergetic Computers Synergetice in pattern recognition and associative action H.Haken(ed.)
  12. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. v.79 Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities J.J.Hopfield
  13. IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics v.18 no.1 Bidirectional associative memories B.Kosko
  14. International Journal o Bifurcation and Chaos v.1 no.2 Steady states, limit cycles, and chaos in models of complex biological networks J.E.Lewis;L.Glass
  15. Neural Networks v.9 no.1 Stability and bifurcations in an associative memory model C.M.Thomas;W.G.Gibson;J.Robinson
  16. 뇌전위와 카오스 한국과학기술원 물리학과 센서공학 연구실
  17. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics v.8 no.4 Intelligent robot prototyping based on chaotic retirieval T.Yamaguchi;M.Yoshihara;Yoshiyuki Wakamatsu
  18. Mechatronics v.6 no.1 Dynamical Path-Planning algorithm of a mobile robot : local minima problem and nonstationary enviroments C.Choi;J.J.Lee
  19. Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems New Skill learning paradigm using various kinds of neurons T.D.Eom;S.W.Kim;C.Choi;J.J.Lee