- International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos v.2 no.4 Memory effects in discrete dynamical systems F.Aicardi;S.Invernizzi
- Physics Letters A v.114 Chaotic neural network K.Aihara;T.Takabe;M.Toyoda
- Psychological Review v.84 Distinctive features, categorical perception, and probability learning : Some applications of a neural model J.A.Anderson;J.W.Silverstein;S.R.Ritz;R.S.Jones
- IEEE Trans. Neural Networks v.7 no.2 Information processing using dynamical chaos : neural networks implementation Y.V.Andreyev;Y.L.Belsky;A.S.Dmitriev;D.A.Kuminov
- International Journal of Bifurcation an dChaos v.2 no.3 Associative and random access memory using one-dimensional maps Y.V.Andreyev;A.S.Dmitriev;L.O.Chua;C.W.Wu
- Neural Networks v.2 Neural network models for pattern recognition and associative memory G.A.Carpenter
- Chaos, Solitons and Fractals v.3 no.2 Analysis of neural networks with chaotic dynamics F.Chapeau-Bloneau
- Understanding the Nervous System An engineering Perspective S.Deutsch;A.Deusch
- International Journal o Bifurcation and Chaos v.2 no.3 Tutorial on neurobiology : from single neurons to brain chaos W.J.Freeman
- Neural Networks v.1 Nonlinear neural networks : principles, mechanisms and architectures S.Grossberg
- Neural and Synergetic Computers Synergetice in pattern recognition and associative action H.Haken(ed.)
- Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. v.79 Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities J.J.Hopfield
- IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics v.18 no.1 Bidirectional associative memories B.Kosko
- International Journal o Bifurcation and Chaos v.1 no.2 Steady states, limit cycles, and chaos in models of complex biological networks J.E.Lewis;L.Glass
- Neural Networks v.9 no.1 Stability and bifurcations in an associative memory model C.M.Thomas;W.G.Gibson;J.Robinson
- 뇌전위와 카오스 한국과학기술원 물리학과 센서공학 연구실
- Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics v.8 no.4 Intelligent robot prototyping based on chaotic retirieval T.Yamaguchi;M.Yoshihara;Yoshiyuki Wakamatsu
- Mechatronics v.6 no.1 Dynamical Path-Planning algorithm of a mobile robot : local minima problem and nonstationary enviroments C.Choi;J.J.Lee
- Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems New Skill learning paradigm using various kinds of neurons T.D.Eom;S.W.Kim;C.Choi;J.J.Lee