신경회로망 조정기를 이용한 상호 연결된 비선형 시스템의 비집중 제어

Decentralized control of interconnected nonlinear systems using a neural coordinator

  • 정희태 (경북대학교 전자,전기공학부) ;
  • 전기준 (경북대학교 전자,전기공학부)
  • 발행 : 1996.06.01


This paper presents a decentralized control scheme for interconnected systems with unmodeled nonlinearities and interactions using a neural coordinator. The interactions due to the interconnection and the unmodeled nonlinearity associated with each subsystem are represented by the deviations from linearized states of decomposed subsystems. the decentralized controller is composed of local controllers and a neural coordinator. The local controller for each subsystem is derived from linearized local system parameters y linear optimal control theory. the neural cooridnator generates a corrective control signal to cancel the effect of deviation sthrough the backpropagation learning with the rrors obtained form the difference of the local system outputs and reference model outputs. the reference model consists of the part of local system without deviations. The effectiveness of the proposed control scheme is demonstrated by simulation studies.
