고준위 도핑된 AlGaAs/GaAs 양자 우물의 충돌 이온화율

Impact ionization rate of the highly-doped AlGaAs/GaAs quantum well

  • 윤기정 (동의공업전문대학 전자과) ;
  • 황성범 (경남전문대학 전자통신과) ;
  • 송정근 (동아대학교 전기전자컴퓨터공학부) ;
  • 홍창희 (동아대학교 전기전자컴퓨터공학부)
  • 발행 : 1996.04.01


The impact ionization rate of thethighly-doped AlGaAs/GaAs quantum well structure is calculated, which is an important parameter ot design theinfrared detector APD and the novel neural device. In conjunction with ensemble monte carlo method and quantum mechanical treatment, we analyze the effects of the parameters of quantum well structure on the impact ionization rate. Since the number of the occupied subbands increases while the energy of the subbands decreases as the width of quantum well increases, the impact ionization rate increases in the range of th esmall well width but gradually the increament slows down and is finally saturated. Due to the effect of the energy of the injected electrons into the quantum well and the tunneling through the barrier, the impact ionization rate increases for the range of the small barrier width and decreases for the range of the large barrier width. Thus, there exists a barrier width to maximize the impact ionzation rate for a mole fraction x, and the barrier width moves to the larger vaue as the mole fraction x increases. The impact ionization rate is much more sensitive to the variation of the doping density than that of the other quantum well parameters. We found that there is a limit of the doping density to confine the electronics in the quantum well effectively.
