분뇨의 호기성 소화처리에 관한 고찰

A Study on the Aerobic Digestion Treatment of Night soil

  • 육찬남 (원광보건전문대학 보건위생과)
  • 발행 : 1996.06.01


Environmental issues are getting imrx>rtant and the polluted environment is now c considered as one of the serious social problems which we have to face. As a result, most people hate an night soil-treating establishment to be built near their village. This paper is intended to reveal the present situation of Sanitary Environment Bureau in Iksan City and its treatment of night soil. The conclusions are as follows 1. The mean quantity of treated night soil per day was approximately 126kl In 1995, and the treated quantity per month was largest in the months from May to August, but smallest in January and February. The quantity of the largest month doubled the one of the smallest, and it is considered to be because the microorganisms are more active in the warm season than in the cold season, being a a ble to process more night soil. 2. The after-treatment sewage water is regarded as being in an optimalcondition because the examination of the water discharged from the establishment revealed the result of BOD 16.67mg/l and SS 14.78mg/l in 1995. 3. The expense for treating human waste was ₩19,582 in Iksan Sanitary Environment Bureau and it was considerably lower than the average expense through the nation, i.e. ₩22,000-25,000. But the cost should be expanded for keeping outworn equipments from the old age. 4. It is desirable for the Bureau to open the establishment so that any adult or student can come into it and watch all the treating processes. It will help the citizens understand the need for the establishment in spite of its nasty and ugly impression. Other cities or countries have to follow this model and try to provide their citizens with a cleaner environment by investing more fund technology for it.
