면역억제 흰쥐에서 조직내교잡법을 이용한 페포자충의 검출

Detection of Pneumocvstis carinii by in situ hybridization in the lungs of immunosuppressed rats

  • Jin KIM (Department of Parasitology, Chonnam University Medical School) ;
  • Jae-Ran YU (Department of Parasitology, College of Medicine, Kon-Kuk University) ;
  • Sung-Tae HONG (Department of Parasitology, Seoul National University College of Medicine) ;
  • Chang-Soo PARK (Department of Parasitology, Chonnam University Medical School)
  • 발행 : 1996.09.01


흰쥐의 폐조직 절편에서 실험적으로 유발시킨 폐포자충을 검출하고자 조직내교잡법 (in situ hybridization)을 수행하였다 흰쥐는 methylprednisolone(데포-메드롤)을 10 mg/kg의 양으로 주 1회 피하주사하여 면역억제시켰고. 6 8 및 9주에 희생시켜 폐를 적출한 후 포르말린에 고정하였다. 폐포자충의 5S rRNA에 상보적인 22 base길이의 oligonucleotide probe를 주문제작(한국 생공)하였고 3' 부위에 biotin을 부착하였다 조직내교잡법은 Microp「obi stainin료 system과 manual capillary action법을 이용하여 1시간 이내에 수행하였다 폐포자충은 주로 폐포세포의 내강면. 폐포내 삼출물 및 세기관지의 분비물 등에서 검출되었다 6주 면역억제시 양성반응은 주 로 폐단면의 가장자리 부위에서 부분적으로 간찰되었으나. 8 내지 9주에서는 전체적으로 관찰되었 나. Grocott의 methenamine silver 염색법에 비하여 조직내 교잡법은 폐포자충을 신속하게 검출 할 수 있호 영양형의 검출에는 특히 유리하며. 다른 알려진 병원성 진균 및 원충류와의 교차반응이 없어. 실험적으로 유발시킨 폐포자충에 의한 폐렴의 진단에도 유용하게 사용될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.

In situ hybridization was performed to detect rat heumocwstis ca4nii in the lung sections. Rats were immunosuppressed by weekly subcutaneous injection of 10 mg/kg methylprednisolone. On the 6th, 8th and 9th week of immunosuppression, the lungs were removed and fled in 10% neutral formalin. A 22 base oligonucleotide probe complementary to p. carinii 5S ribosomal RMh was commercially synhesized and its 3' terminal was labeled wiH biotin. In situ hybridization was performed utilizing manual capillary action technolog)r on the Microprobe system. p. cnrinii were detected along the luminal surface of alveolar pneumocytes, in exudate of alveolar cavities, and also in secretory material of bronchioles. In the 6th week group, positive reaction was observed focally in the peripheral region of the lung sections, but the reaction was observed diffusely in the 8th or 9th week groups. In comparison with Grocott's methenamine silver stain, in situ hybridization technique can detect the organism rapidly, and can detect trophic forms very well. Furthermore, no nonspecific reaction with other pathogenic fungi and protozoa was recognized. Therefore, in situ hybridization can be a good technique to detect p. carinii in the lungs of infected rats.
