1990년 서울특별시 O/D자료를 이용한 중력모형적용에 관한 연구

A study on the Application of Gravity Model using 1990 Seoul O/D Data

  • 임성빈 (명지대학교 교통공학과) ;
  • 이부원 (명지대학교 교통공학과 대학원, 서영기술단 교통계획팀)
  • 발행 : 1996.03.01


Among trip distribution models, The BPR type Gravity Model is the one which is the most widely used. The key issue associated with this model is a functional form of friction factor which should be calibrated in the process, and interpretation for socioeconomic factor known as K-factor(Kij) which is used to adjust the difference between observed zone-to-zone trips and the estimated trips. In this study, the BPR type Gravity Model has been fitted to 1990 O/D data for Seoul. Two type of function form for friction factor has been employed : one is a form of Generalized function and the orther is UTP function. With above two function, the parameters for travel distance(Skin-tree) are prepared. The relationship between socioeconomic factor and trips is identified by calculating and analyzing the characteristics of Kij. Consequently, both of the friction factor functions are statistically signified. However, it show an overestimation tendency when estimated with UTP function. It is found that the Generalized function is suitable for the city of Seoul, and also, in case there are a lot of trips correlatively, the socioeconomic factor is close to 1, on the other hand if it's small, it shows a bias which is dispersed around 1.



  1. Urban and Reginal Models in Geography and Planning Wilson,A.G.
  3. Calibration & Testing a GRAVITY MODEL for Any Size Urban Area FHWA;U.S.DOT.
  4. Alternative constraint procedures for predictive TRIP DISTRIBUTION MODELS Alastair Dick;Assorciates
  5. T.R. Statical Notes on the Evalution of Calbrated GRAVITY MODELS S.R.Wilson
  6. T.R. The role of Model Parameters in trip distribution Models C.Fisk;G.R.Brown
  7. T.R. Least-Squares Estimation of Trip Distribution Prameters Frank J.Cesario
  8. T.R. Maximun Likelihood and the Gravity Model A.S.Maclean
  9. T.R. Goodess of Fit Statistics for Trip Distribution Models D.P.Smith;B.G.Hutchinson
  10. T.R. Interval estimation in the Calibration of Certain Trip Distribution Models David E.A.Giles;Peter Hampton
  11. T.R. Estimation Gravity Model Parameter; A Simplified Approach Based on the odds Ratio Robert H.Gray;Ashish K.Sen
  12. Transportation Research Record v.1139 North Caroliina Procedure for Systhsizing Travel Movements Marion R. Poole;James T. Newnam,JR.
  13. Transportation Research Report, 807 Development and Evaluation of a Synthetically Self-Calibrating Gravity Model James R.Mekemson;Kumares C.Sinha
  14. 都市交通計劃 佐佐本 綱
  15. 回歸分析 朴聖炫
  16. 서울大學校 土木工學科,碩士學位論文 分布交通量의 推定에 따르는 GRAVITY MODEL 適用에 關한 硏究 任聖彬
  17. 서울大學校 土木工學科, 博士學位論文 交通需要 豫測에 있어서 社會經濟的 係數에 關한 硏究 任聖彬
  18. 서울市 交通現況 調査 韓國交通問題硏究院
  19. 大韓交通學會誌 no.通券 5號 標本O/D調査資料의 合理的인 全數化 및 O/D合成 方案에 關한 硏究 任聖彬
  20. 統計學의 理解 李必榮(外 1人)
  21. T.R. A Comparison of Some Calibration Techiques for Doubly Constrained Model with an Expontial Cost function Ian Williams
  22. Environment and Planning v.7 Trip distribution and disaggregatation P.J.Hathaway
  23. 서울大學校 土木工學科, 博士學位論文 高速道路 通行의 遲滯函數와 通行抵抗파라메타의 敏感度 分析에 關한 硏究 張德亨
  24. 大韓交通學會誌 no.通券 22號 需要豫測結果의 評價基準 및 評價方法에 關한 硏究 鄭天秀