This paper deals with on the efficiency questions of the left-turn prohibit at an isolated intersection and a corridor with 5-phase signal system. Its objectives are three-fold ; (1) to analyze the efficiency of the left-turn prohibit with the use of an imaginary network, (2) to evaluate various factors under consideration in decision making on the left-turn prohibit, (3) to provide a framework for estimating and evaluating overall impacts of the left-turn prohibit in traffic network. the major findings using an imaginary network and computer packages such as MINUTP, TRANSYT-7F and STATGRAPH are followings. First, left-turn prohibit reduces cycle length by 33 seconds and delay time per vehicle by 36 seconds at an isolated intersection, and cycle length by 31 seconds and delay time per veicle by 43 seconds along a corridor. Second, total vehicle mile of travel and total travel time at an isolated intersection seem up to increase 38.85 miles(57.36km), 14.4 hour on the average, Regarding to a corridor, total vehicle mile of travel is increased by 50.14 miles(80.22km), but total travel time is decreased by129.9 hours. Third, the efficiency of left-turn prohibit are affected the following eight factors including left-turn volume(veh/hr) and ratio(%), average delay time per vehicle(sec/veh) and others. Finally, several simple and multiple regression models to evaluate the impacts on the left-turn prohibit are formulated from the above eight factors. It can be expected that these models will take an important role in decision-making of left-turn prohibit.