농업수리구조물의 적정설계홍수량 유도를 위한 유출수문곡선 모형의 개발(II)

Development of Runoff Hydrograph Model for the Derivation of Optimal Design Flood of Agricultural Hydraulic Structures(II)

  • 발행 : 1996.09.01




  1. U.S.Dept. of Agri., Tech. Bull. no.1468 Linear Theory of Hydrologic System Agricultural Research Sevice
  2. Symposium on Hydrology and Water Resources Development Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph Derivation by Spectral Analysis and its numerical application Bayazit,M.
  3. Engineering Hydrology Butler,S.S.
  4. Handbook of Applied Hydrology Chow,V.T.
  5. W.R.R. v.5 no.2 Linear time varying Model of Rainfall-Run off Relation Chieu, Chao-lin;R.P.Bittler
  6. Dissertation for the Ph. D. Univ. of Illinois A basic study of the linearity of the Rainfall-Runoff process in Watersheds Diskin,M.H.
  7. W.R.R. v.6 no.5 Nonlinear time varying Model of Rainfall-Runoff Relation Chieu, Chao-lin;J.T.Huang
  8. Jour. of Geophysical Research v.64 no.2 General theory of the Unit Hydrograph Dooge,J.C.
  9. Res. Bull. v.506 Derivation of Hydrographs for small watersheds from measurable physical characteristics, Agricultural and Home econoics, Experiment Station of Iowa State Univ. Gray,D.M.
  10. 한국의 홍수 건설부
  11. 한국의 홍수 건설부
  12. 산업기지개발공사;한국하천조사서 건설부
  13. 수자원관리기법 개발연구조사보고서 홍수수문자료집 건설부
  14. 수자원관리기법개발연구조사보고서 하천유량자료의 계산 건설부
  15. 국제수문개발계획(IHP) 연구보고서 건설부
  16. Hydrology for Engineers Linsley,R.K.;Others
  17. 서울대 농학박사학위논문 한국 주요수계의 소유역에 대한 순간단위도 유도에 관한 연구 이순혁
  18. 한국농공학회지 v.37 no.3·4 농업수리구조물의 적정설계홍수량 유도를 위한 유출수문 곡선모형의 개발(Ⅰ) 이순혁;박명근;맹승진
  19. Hyd. Res. Station The Form of the Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph Nash,J.E.
  20. Ins. of C.E. no.6282 Determining Runoff from Rainfall Nash,J.E.
  21. 9th Convention A Linear Transformation of a Discharge Record Nash,J.E.
  22. Jour. of Hyd. Div. ASCE;Proc. Paper 5350 v.93 no.Hyd.4 A Nonlinear Hydrologic System Response Model Prasad,R.
  23. Trans. of Ame. Geophys. Union v.19 Synthetic Unit Graphs Snyder,F.F.
  24. Hydrology Section 4 Soil Conservation Service
  25. U.S.Dept. of Agriculture
  26. Trans. of Ame. Soc. of Agri. Eng. v.15 no.3 Characteristics of Short Duration Unit Hydrograph Wang, Ru Yih;I.P.Wu
  27. W.R.R.C, U.O.H., Tech. Report. No. 15 Hydrological Data and Peak Discharge Determination of Small Hawaiian Watersheds Wu,I.P.
  28. Colorado Univ, Experiment Station, CER 67~68-13 Research Data Assembly for Samll Watersheds Floods Yevjevich,V.M.