자녀의 인적자본 형성을 위한 교육비 지출의 결정요인

Expenditure on Education for Children's Human Capital

  • 발행 : 1996.06.01


The Purpose of this study is to find out factors which affect the expenditure on educations for children's human capital and to provide fundamental information to make a policy for education. Data are obtained from 2484 maried couples with children on the pre-school or over. The results of this study are as follows: 1) If the eldest child was in pre-school or public school, the expenditure on private education was higher than that of public education. While in the beyond junior high school, the expenditure on public education was much higher. 2) Life-cycle, the number of children, region, earned income, non-earned income, real assets, Engel's coeeficient were significant impact on the expenditure of education.



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