Experimental Study on the Effects of Jungchuntang

정천탕(定喘湯)의 효능(效能)에 관한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)

  • Park, Cheon-Su (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate school of Wonkwang University) ;
  • Han, Sang-Whan (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate school of Wonkwang University)
  • 박천수 (원광대학교 대학원 한의학과) ;
  • 한상환 (원광대학교 대학원 한의학과)
  • Published : 1996.03.30


These studies were carried out to investigate the effect of Jungchuntang water extract on the inhibitory contractile action of acetylcholine in rat. The results of these studies were as follows; 1. Contractile force of acetylcholine from trachea smooth muscle in rat was significantly inhibited by Jungchuntang. 2. Dose-response of acetylcholine pretreated Jungchuntang in rat was not significantly changed. 3. Inhibitory contractile action of acetylcholine pretreated propranolol in rat was decreased. 4. Inhibitory contractile action of acetylcholine pretreated indomethacin was not significantly changed by Jungchuntang. 5. Inhibitory contractile action of acetylcholine pretreated methylene blue was significantly changed by Jungchuntang. 6. Contractile force of acetylcholine from trachea smooth muscle in rat was significantly inhibited by Jungchuntang. 7. Dose-response of acetylcholine pretreated Jungchuntang in rat was not significantly changed. 8. Inhibitory contractile action of acetylcholine pretreated propranolol in rat was decreased. 9. Inhibitory contractile action of acetylcholine pretreated indomethacin was not significantly changed by Jungchuntang. 10. Inhibitory contractile action of acetylcholine pretreated methylene blue was significantly changed by Jungchuntang.



  1. 攝生衆妙方 張時徹
  2. 編註醫學入門(外券二) 李천
  3. 北京中醫學校編 : 漢醫學臨床病理 北京中醫學院
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  50. 臨床配合本草學 康秉秀;金永坂
  51. 黃帝內經素間靈樞譯解 楊維傑
  52. 淸肺湯 및 加味淸肺湯이 Oleic acid로 誘發시킨 家兎의 肺水腫과 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 金炳勳
  53. 紫蘇飮子가 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 宋鎭吾
  54. 華蓋散이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 金聖炫
  55. 解表兩陳湯 및 解表二陳湯이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 朴千洙
  56. 麻黃湯이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 洪在義
  57. 九仙散이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 柳東樹
  58. 潤肺除嗽飮이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 尹浩碩
  59. 柴胡枳桔湯이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 李敏燮
  60. 三拗湯 및 神朮散이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 吳英旭
  61. 五拗湯 및 神朮散이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 李始炯
  62. 半夏溫肺湯 및 그 構成藥物이 實驗動物에 미치는 影響 宋鎭吾
  63. 九寶飮이 Sensitized Rat의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 李昇祐
  64. 人蔘潤肺散이 Acetylcholine으로 收縮한 Rat의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 崔善燁
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