Studies on the effect of Kamikuibitang on the Gastric Ulcer in Rats

가미귀비탕(加味歸脾湯)이 흰쥐의 위궤양(胃潰瘍)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Baek, Dong-Jin (Dept. of Korean Medicine, Graduate School, Dong Eui University)
  • 백동진 (동의대학교 대학원 한의학과 비계내과전공)
  • Published : 1996.10.30


This study was aimed to evaluate the anti-pain effect of Kamikuibitang in acetic acid method and the anti-ulceration effect of Kamikuibitang in indomethacin, aspirin and immobilization stress method in rats. The results were follows; 1. The anti-pain effects of Kuibitang and Kamikuibitang were decreased compared with those of control group. 2. In indomethacin and aspirin method, the anti-ulcerative effects of experimental groups were shown compared with those of control group. 3. In immobilization stress method, the anti-ulcerative effect of experimental groups was significantly shown compared with that of control group. 4. The serum gastrin levels of Kuibitang groups showed very significant decrease in indomethacin-induced and immobilization stress-induced ulcers. The serum gastrin levels of Kamikuibitang groups showed very significant decrease in indomethacin-induced, aspirin- induced and immobilization stress-induced ulcers. 5. The serum $V_{B12}$ levels of Kuibitang groups showed very significant increase in both indomethacin-induced and immobilization stress-induced ulcers. The serum $V_{B12}$ levels of Kamikuibitang groups showed significant increase in aspirin-induced and immobilization stress-induced ulcers whereas very significant increase in indomethacin-induced ulcer. According to the above results, it was concluded that Kamikuibitang had very significant anti-ulceration effect as well as anti-pain effect on gastric ulcer in rats.



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