- 托理消毒飮의 消炎作用에 對한 實驗的 硏究 姜充晧
- 加味芷貝散이 實驗動物의 鎭痛,消炎 및 抗菌에 미치는 影響 李漢哲
- 編註 醫學入門(III) 李
- 外科準繩 王背堂
- 癰疽에 應用되는 仙方活命飮이 鎭痛,消炎 및 解熱에 미치는 影響 蔡炳允
- 大羌活湯 煎湯液이 實驗動物의 鎭痛,消炎,解熱 및 筋弛緩에 미치는 影響 鄭善充
- 大黃牧丹皮湯이 實驗動物의 鎭痛,消炎,鎭靜 및 正常體溫에 미치는 影響 金聖倍
- 大韓東醫病理學會誌 v.7 no.1 下瘀血湯이 endotoxin으로 誘發된 白鼠의 血栓症에 미치는 影響 鄭鉉雨(外)
- 大韓東醫病理學會誌 v.2 no.1 血府逐瘀湯이 血栓症과 皮下血腫에 미치는 影響 崔昇勳
- 東醫病埋學 文濬典;安圭錫;崔昇勳
- 大韓漢醫學會誌 v.5 韓醫學에서의 瘀血에 對한 槪念 康舜洙
- 血栓症 및 高粘度血症에 關한 補陽還五湯의 實驗的 硏究 金珖德
- 中醫外科學 顧伯康
- 問答式五官外科學 申天浩
- 鍼灸學 上海中醫學院(編)
- 中醫外科學 上海中醫學院(編)
- 最新漢方臨床學 裵元植
- 대한정형외과학회지 Buerger씨병의 임상적 고찰 손성근;박승림;김인상
- 東醫寶鑑 許浚
- 瘍醫大典 顧世澄
- 洞天奧旨外科秘錄 v.七 陳士鐸
- 中國醫學大辭典(四冊) 謝觀
- 醫宗金鑑 吳謙
- 外科理例 汪機
- 景岳全書 張介賓
- 外科正宗 陳實功
- 第3次 國際東洋醫學 學術大會發表論文 Buerger's disease에 對한 東醫學的 考察 申載鏞
- 顧步保脫湯과 野薔薇根에 關한 實驗的 硏究 鄭錫熙
- 漢方臨床四十年 朴炳昆
- 申氏本草學 申佶求
- 臨床本草學 辛民敎
- 本草學 李尙仁
- 漢藥臨床應用 李尙仁 等
- 加味芷貝散이 實驗動物의 鎭痛消炎 解熱 및 抗菌에 미치는 影響 李漢哲
- 實用中醫外科學 顧伯華(主編)
- 鍼灸甲乙校釋(下冊) 山東中醫學院(校釋)
- 東洋醫學叢書(8) 國際韓醫學學生會
- 鍼灸配穴辭典 金庚植;李任根
- 中醫名言大辭典 周一謀;劉道淸
- J. Pharma. Soc. Korea v.19 Chemistry and pharmacology of diterpenoids of Siegesbeckia pubescens Han, K. D.;Kim, J. H.;Oh, S. J.
- Shoyakugaku Zasshi v.39 Inhibition of metyrapone and heat-stress induced hypertension by Phellodendti Cortex Kuzuo, A.;Yasuo, O.;Jong Chol, C.
- 日藥理誌 v.82 Eclatoninの抗高血壓作用に對す硏究 高柳法康 等
- 부산대논문집 v.18 상기생의 순환기계 약리학적 연구 洪承喆
- 藥理學實驗法 田村風幸
- 藥效の評價(I) 津田恭介;野上 壽
- J. Pharm. Pharmacol. v.21 A perfused tail artery preperation from the rat Nicholas, T. E.
- J. Phamacol. Exp. Therap. v.225 Mouse antithrombotic assay:A simple method for the evaluation of antithrombotic agents in vivo. Potentiation of antithrombotic activity by alcohol Dimino, G.;Silver M. J.
- Pharmacology and Toxicology v.70 Antithrombotic activity of a new pyrazosine derivative determined by the mouse antithrombotic assay. Petrusewiez, J.(et al)
- Thrombosis ans Haaemostasis v.66 no.4 Antithrombotic effect of MC- 9042, a new antiplatelet agent on experimental thrombosis models Hara, H.(et al.)
- J. Pharm. v.24 Shimonmura, K.
- Investigation of delayed hypersensitivity in man in Immunology Revillard, J. P.
- Basic and clinical immunology Wing, E. J.(et al.)
- J. Med. v.54 The classification of vasculitidies and a reappraisal of allergic granulomatosis and angitis Mt. Sinai. Lie, J.T.
- Thrombosis and Haemostasis Antithrombotic activity of a novel C-terminal hirudin analog in experimental animals Broersma, R.J.(et al.)
- Chem. Pharm. Bull. v.33 no.2 Activation of hyauronidase by metallic salts and compound 48/80, and inhibitory effect of anti-allergic agents on hyaluronidase Hisao Kakegawa(et al.)
- Throm. Res. v.54 Role of free radicals in pulmonary thromboembolism in mice. Dikshit, M.(et al)
- Life Science v.51 A novel insight into the mechanism of the antithrombotic action of defibrotide. Rosella T.(et al)
- Tromb. Res. v.52 Comparison of hirudin and hirudin PA C-terminal fragments and related analogs as antithrombin agents Krstenansky, J.L.;Mao, S.J.T.
- J. Phsiol. v.168 The aggregation of blood platelets Born, G.C.R.;Cross, M.J.
- Thrombosis Res. v.65 TFC-612, a prostaglandin E1 derivative, enhance fibrolytic activity in rats. Yukio Motoyama(et al.)
- Prostaglandins v.32 Effect of prostaglandins and arachidonic acid on baboon cerebral and mesenteric arteries Hayashi, S.;Park, M. K.
- Eur. J. Pharmacol. v.81 Comparison of the potencies of some prostaglandins as vasodilators in three vascular beds of the anaesthetised dog Lumley, P.(et al.)
- Yakugaku Zasshi v.88 Studies on the mode of action of anti-inflammatory agents I.Quantitative analysis of anti-inflammatory effect by carboxylmethyl cellulose pouch method Ishikawa, H.;Ninobe, S.;Tsurufuji, S.
- Hypersensistivity reactions in the experimental foundations of mordern immunology Clark, W. R.
- J. Nat. Cancer Inst. v.51 Immunopotentiation with BCG II, modulation of the response to sheep red blood cells Miller, T. E.(et al.)
- Immunol. v.34 Delayed hypersensitivityr in mice induced by intravenous sensitization with sheep erythrocyte;evidence for tuberculin type delayed hypersensitivity of the reaction Misuoka, A.(et al.)
- Pathol. Annu. v.23 no.II Thromboangitis revisted Lie, J.T.
- 原色臨床本草學 辛民敎
- 衛生寶檻 羅天益
- Annu. Rev. Med. v.31 The endothelium and thrombosis Wall, R. T.;Harker, L. A.
- Semin. Thromb. Hemost. v.13 Fibrinolytic Pathways and the endothelium Hekman, C.A.;Loskutoff, D.J.
- Vascular Endothelium in Hemostasis and Thrombosis. Prostacyclin and the endothelium Weksler, B.;Jaffe, E.A.;Gimbrone, M.A.Jr.(ed.)
- Semin. Thromb. Hemost. v.13 Anticoagulantly active heparin sulfate proteoglycan and the vascular endothelium Marcum, J. A.;Rosenberg, R. D.
- Robbins pathologic basis of disease(4th edition) Fluid and hemodynamic derangement. Cotran, R. S.;Kumar, V.;Robbins, S. L.;Cotran R. S.(et al.)(eds.)
- Semin. Thromb. Hemost. v.13 Thrombomodulin Esmon, N. L.