궁귀탕가미방(芎歸湯加味方)의 항혈전효과(抗血栓效果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • 윤현자 (원광한의대 대학원) ;
  • 전병훈 (원광대학교 한의대 병리학교실)
  • 발행 : 1996.10.10




  1. 血瘀證與 活血化瘀硏究 陣可翼
  2. 古今醫監 공信
  3. 衛生寶鑑 羅天益
  4. 病因病耭學 朴贊國
  5. 方藥合編解說 申載庸
  6. 簡明方劑辭典 江克明(外)
  7. 中醫歷代醫論選 王新華
  8. 類證治哉 林佩金
  9. 中醫名言大辭典 劉道淸
  10. 東醫寶鑑(雜病篇 卷之九十一) 許浚
  11. 葉天士女枓全書 葉天士
  12. 新東洋醫學槪論 余朋千
  13. 血證論 唐容川
  14. 脈因證治 朱丹溪
  15. 濟陰綱目 武之望
  16. 方劑學 康舜洙
  17. 臨床本草學 辛民敎
  18. 申氏本草學 申佶求
  19. 韓藥臨床應用 李尙仁(外)
  20. 臟腑辨證論治 金完熙(外)
  21. 風火痰瘀論 章眞和
  22. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.5 no.1 韓醫學에서의 瘀血에 대한 槪念 康舜洙
  23. 東醫病理學會誌 v.4 瘀血의 槪念에 關한 東醫學的 考察 鄭遇悅(외)
  24. 芎歸紅花湯藥針의 效能 및 安全性에 대한 硏究 이유리
  25. 東醫心系內科學(上) 全國韓醫科大學 心系內科學敎室
  26. 藥理學實驗法 田村風幸
  27. 藥效の評價(I) 津田恭介;野上 壽
  28. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. v.21 A perfused tail artery preperation from the rat Nicholas, T. E.
  29. J. Phamacol. Exp. Therap. v.225 Mouse antithrombotic assay: A simple method for the evaluation of antithrombotic agents in vivo. Potentiation of antithrombotic activity by alcohol Dimino, G.;Silver, M. J.
  30. Pharmacology and Toxicology v.70 Antithrombotic activity of a new pyrazosine derivative determined by the mouse antithrombotic assay Petrusewiez, J.(et al.)
  31. Throm. Res. v.54 Role of free radicals in pulmonary thromboembolism in mice Dikshit, M.(et al.)
  32. Life Science v.51 A novel insight into the mechanism of the antithrombotic action of defibrotide Rosella, T.(et al.)
  33. Thrombosis and Hemostasis v.66 no.4 Antithrombotic effect of MCI-9042, a new antiplatelet agent on experimental thrombosis models Hara, H.(et al.)
  34. Tromb. Res. v.52 Comparison of hirudin andq hirudin PA C-terminal fragments and related analogs as antithrombin agents Krstenansky, J. L.;Mao, S. J. T.
  35. Prostaglandins v.32 Effect of prostaglandins and arachidonic acid on baboon Cerebral and mesenteric arteries Hayashi, S.;Park, M. K.
  36. Eur. J. Pharmacol. v.81 Comparison of the potencies of some prostaglandins as vasodilators in three vascular beds of the anaesthetised dog Lumley, P.(et al.)
  37. Thrombosis and Hemostasis Antithrombotic activity of a novel C-terminal hirudin analog in experimental animals Broersma, R. J.(et al.)
  38. J. Phsiol. v.168 the aggregation of blood platelets Born G. C. R.;Cross, M. J.
  39. Thrombosis Res. v.65 TFC-612, a prostaglandin derivative, enhance fibrolytic activity in rats Yukio Motoyama(et al)
  40. Tromb. Hemostasis v.47 Effect of prostacyclin on fibrolytic activity in patients with arteriosclerosis obliterans Kiek, A. D.;Trabka, E. K.(et al.)
  41. Tromb. Haemostasis v.46 The effect of prostacyclin infusion on tissue plasminogen activator Winther, K.(et al)
  42. Angiology v.35 The role of fibrinolysis in the therapy of peripheral vascular disease Ambrus, C. N.(et al.)