Effects of Kigong Theraphy in Cocentration of Catecholamines and Cortisol and some Tests on Testing-Stressed

기공외기요법(氣功外氣療法)의 항(抗) 스트레스 효과(效果) 연구(硏究)

  • Kim Ki-Ok (Department of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, Dong Kuk University)
  • 김기옥 (경원대 한의과대학 신경정신과교실)
  • Published : 1996.05.01


To investigate anti-stress effects of Manual Kigong, Manual-Apparatus Combined Kikong, and Systemic Kigong, this experiments were performed changing of plasma catecholaminess and serum cortisol measured. Also using D.I.T.I(Digital Infrared Thermongraphy Imaging), Pulse Analyzer, Electric Current on Neurometer, and Digital Flicker on Testing-Stressed. And following results were abtained. 1) Menual-Appartus Combined Kikong decreased significantly increasing concentration of plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine level in Testing-stressed. 2) Manual Kigong decreased increasing concentration of serum cortisol level in Testing-stressed. 3) Manual Kigong and Manual-Aparatues Combined Kikong increased decreasing thermomerty on the palm's center caused Testing-stressed. 4) All of three treats are small change in SET(Systolic Ejection Time) by Pulse Analyzer caused Testing-stressed. 5) More changes of Electric Current on the Neurometer Diagnosis caused Testing-stressed are as followed. Manual-Apparatus Combined Kikong >Systemic Kigong >Manual Kigong From the results, it may be concluded that Manual-Apparatus Combined Kikong Theraphy having more anti-stress effects than Manual Theraphy. Systemic Kigong Therapy.



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