부산시내 여자고등학교 학생의 결핵 관리

The tuberculosis controling and preventing state for Girl's High School student in Pusan.

  • 발행 : 1995.03.01


This study was to investigate the current prevention Mechanism of tuberculosis infection and to find out how nursing teachers handle against tuberculosis infection. The objectives of this study was to aid in better treatment and maintenance of those infected-students and help students to prevent the disease by themselves. The subjects of this research were 78 students who were proved to be infected at tuberculosis by the test result of each high school and 35 nursing teachers who retain those 78 infected students. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The infection rete of tuberculosis and the general characteristics of the infected students at Girls' High School: There are approximately 33 and 50 tuberculosis-infected cases in 1992 and 1993. The tuberculosisinfection rate were 0.12% in 1992, while the infection rate were 0.17% in 1993. The infection rate for academic Girls' High School stucents were 51.3%, while that of vocational Girls' High school students were 48.7%, About 30.8% of respondents have a family history of tuberculosis infection. 2. The current management system of tuberculosis treatment: It was reported that 59.0% of respondents out of total cases were in the process of treatment, and 41% of them were recovered (from tuberculosis). 55.1% of respondents use health center as their most frequent treatment location. 57.5% of academic Girls' High School and 47.4% of vocational Girls' high shool reported inconsistent meals while curing tuberculosis. In terms of taking medicine, 55.1% reported inconsistently. 3. The current management system of nursing teachers; Approximately 57.1% of nursing teachers were at academic Girls' High School. while 42.9% were at vocational Girls' High School. While treating tuberculosis, 85.7% of nursing teachers checked the consistent medicine-taking, 54. 3% of them checked the side effects of medicine, 80% of them consulted with students, while only 25. 7% of them check the school attendance. This study also finds out that we have underestimated the importance of tuberculosis treatment and health education at the shool level, it has not been effective enough for students to recognize the importance of tuberculosis. It is our assertion that nursing teachers should have paid much more attention to tuberculosis itself and infected-cases.
