한국산 놀래기과 어류 4종의 핵형분석

Karyotypic Analysis of Four Labrid Fishes from Korea

  • 박인석 (군산대학교 해양자원육성학과) ;
  • 김형배 (한국해양연구소 해양생물공학 연구그룹) ;
  • 이영돈 (제주대학교 해양연구소)
  • Park, In-Seok (Department of Marine Living Resources, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Kim, Hyung-Bae (Marine Biotechnology Research Group, KORDI) ;
  • Lee, Young-Don (Marine Research Institute, Cheju National University)
  • 발행 : 1995.06.30


제주도 근해산 놀래기과 어류들에서 암 수간 heteromorphic한 성염색체는 발견할 수 없었고 황놀래기, 놀래기, 용치놀래기, 어렝놀래기의 염색체수(핵형)은 각각 42(4M+24SM+14ST, A), 48(2M+2SM+44ST, A), 48(2M+46ST, A), 42(4M +24SM+14ST, A)로 나타났으며 황놀래기, 어렝놀래기인 경우 가장 큰 2개의 subtelocentrics에 satellite가 존재하였다.

Karyotypic analysis was performed for Labridae fishes, Pseudolabrus japonicus, Halicho eres tenuispinis, H. poecilopterus and Pteragogus flagellifera from coastal area of Cheju Island in Korea. The chromosome numbers(Karyotypes) were 42(4M+24SM+14ST, A), 48(2M+2SM+44ST, A), 48(2M+46ST, A) and 42(4M+24SM+14ST, A) in P. japonicus, H. tenuispinis, H. poecilopterus and P. flagellifera, respectively. Heteromorphic sex chromosome was not found in both sexes of each Labridae fishes. However, large satellites were located on the largest subtelocentrics in P. japonicus and P. flagellifera.
