연령, 범주전형성 및 회상조건에 따른 아동의 상위기억과 범주적 조직화 책략 사용

Metamemory and Categorical Organization Strategy for Age, Category Typicality, and Recall Tasks

  • 이혜련 (동아대학교 가정관리학과) ;
  • 이경님 (동아대학교 가정관리학과)
  • Published : 1995.11.01


The purpose of the present research was to study developmental trends in categorical organization strategy. The subjects were 160 children - 40 nine - year - old boys, 40 nine - year - old girls, 40 seven - year - old boys, 40 seven - year - old girls. All subjects received one of three lists of items differing in category representativeness in either a free -recall or a sort -recall task. The selection of list materials permitted separation of the effects of age differences in category knowledge from those of knowledge per se on children's recall behavior. The tasks were administered to children individually with the memory task followed by the metamemory task. The data was analyzed with three - way ANOVA arid Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results were that (1) Children's recall, clustering, and metamemory increased with age, while age effects for clustering were restricted to the sort - recall/high typicality condition. At each age level, children showed higher level of recall, clustering and metamemory for category typical rather than atypical list, and sort - recall than free-recall. Level of clustering and metamemory were superior in the sort - recall task and for items of high category typicality. (2) 9 - year - old children were capable of deliberately and efficiently using category organization as a memory strategy at least when appropriate contextual support was present (as determined by task requirements and list materials: sort - recall/high typicality).
