Supported by : 한국학술진흥재단
We consider the problem of identifying multiple outliers in linear model. The available regression diagnostic methods often do not succeed in detecting multiple outliers because of the masking and swamping effect. Recently, among the various robust estimator of reducing the effect of outliers, LMS(Least Meadian Square) estimator has been to be a suitable method proposed to expose outliers and leverage points. However, as you know it, the data analysis method with LMS estimator is to be taken the median of the squared residuals in the sample which is extracted the sample space. Then this model causes the trouble, for the number of the chosen sample is nCp, i.e. as the size of sample space n is increasing, the number is increasing fastly. And the covariance matrix may be the singular matrix, so that matrix is approching collinearity. Thus we propose a procedure ELMS for the resampling in LMS method and study the size of the effective elementary set in this algorithm.
Supported by : 한국학술진흥재단