성장기 잉어(Cyprinus carpio) 사료에 있어서 단백질원으로서의 혈분 첨가효과

Effects of Dietary Blood Meal as a Protein Source in Growing Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio)

  • 송민헌 (부산수산대학교 양식학과) ;
  • 이경준 (부산수산대학교 양식학과) ;
  • 배승철 (부산수산대학교 양식학과)
  • Song Min-Heon (Department of Aquaculture, National Fisheries University of Pusan) ;
  • Lee Kyeong-Jun (Department of Aquaculture, National Fisheries University of Pusan) ;
  • Bai Sungchul (Department of Aquaculture, National Fisheries University of Pusan)
  • 발행 : 1995.11.01


순환여과식 사육수조에서 잉어(Cyprinus carpio) 치어를 사육하면서, 사료 단백질원인 혈분의 첨가 함량에 따라 총 5개 실험군을 3 반복으로 무작위 배치하고 6 주 동안 사육실험을 하였다. 실험사료의 단백질원은 동물성 $20\%$, 식물성 약 $75\%$를 사용하였고, 조단백질 $40\%$, 3,640 kcal/kg을 기준으로 실험실에서 제조하였다 : 사료 1 (100 FMP, control), $100\%$ fish meal protein : 사료 2 (25 BMP), $75\%$ fish meal $protein+25\%$ blood meal protein : 사료 3 (50 BMP), $50\%$ fish meal $protein+50\%$ blood meal protein ; 사료 4 (75 BMP), $25\%$ fish meal $protein+75\%$ blood meal protein ;사료 5 (100 BMP), $100\%$ blood meal protein. 6 주간의 주사육실험 결과, 혈분 첨가량이 증가할수록 증체량과 사료효율이 증가하였다. 대조군(100 FMP)에 비해 75 BMP와 100 BMP실험군의 증체량과 사료효율이 유의하게 높았다(P<0.05). 3주간의 교차확인실험에서도 100 FMP 대조군보다 100 BMP 실험군에서 높은 증체량과 사료효율을 나타내었다. (P<0.05). 사료의 유인성평가실험은 100 FMP와 100 BMP사료의 유인성을 측정하기 위해 수행되었다. 유인성평가 결과, 초기에는 100 BMP 실험군의 유인성이 100 FMP 대조군보다 낮았으나 2 주만에 큰 차이가 없게 되었다. 본 실험결과, 성장기 잉어 사료의 단백질원으로서 어분단백질을 혈분단백질로 $100\%$까지 대체 가능함을 알 수 있었다.

A series of feeding experiments were conducted to study the possible utilization of blood meal as a dietary protein source in growing common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Diets were formulated on isonitrogenous and isocaloric basis of $40\%$ crude protein and 3,640 kcal/kg diet : diet 1 (100 FMP, control), $100\%$ fish meal Protein (FMP) : diet 2 (25 BMP), $75\%$ $FMP+25\%$ blood meal protein (BMP) : diet 3 (50 BMP), $50\%$ $FMP+50\%$ BMP : diet 4 (75 BMP), $25\%$ $FMP+75\%$ BMP : d;et 5 (100 BMP), $100\%$ BMP. As the dietary protein sources, $34.2\%$ of animal protein were supplied by FMP and/or BMP, and approximately $65.8\%$ of plant protein were used. In the first experiment, weight gain and feed efficiency were improved with increased level of blood meal protein in the diets. Weight gain and feed efficiency from fish fed diets 4 and S were significantly higher (P<0.05) than those from fish fed diets 1, 2 and 3. The second experiment was designed as a cross-over study to prove the first experiment's results. This cross-over study shows that weight gain from fish fed diet 5 is greater than that from fish fed diet 1. The third experiment was conducted to compare palatability between diet 1 (100 FMP) and 5 (100 BMP). The data from this palatability study indicated that the palatability of diet 5 was lower than that of diet 1 initially, however, the palatability of iiet 5 was improved and not worse than that of diet 1 within a week. Therefore, these findings may suggest that the fish meal can be replaced with blood meal completely in growing common carp diets.
