Changes of Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations During the Transportation of the Olive Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) Seedlings

넙치, Paralichthys olivaceus의 종묘수송중 수중 용존산소의 변화

  • Ko Young-Sik (Section of Fisheries, County Office of Kijang-gun) ;
  • Chang Young Jin (Department of Aquaculture, National Fisheries University) ;
  • Kwon Joon-Yeong (Department of Aquaculture, National Fisheries University)
  • Published : 1995.11.01


Experimental transportations of the olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) seedlings (body weight $2.1\pm0.39g$) with polyethylene vinyl bag were Performed to study the change of dissolved oxygen (DO) during transportation, survival rate and feeding activity of seedlings after transportation. The distance and time required for the transportations were 272 km and 11 hours, respectively. DO was rapidly decreased within 3 hours (P<0.05) during the transportation of seedlings of 40 fish in 10l of sea water at $15.6\~17.8^{\circ}C$ of initial water temperature with 5 ml/l of initial DO. The decreasing tendency of DO (Y) according to elapsed time (X) was expressed an equation of $Y\;=\;2.7444X^{-0.4780}$ (r=0.8071). Feeding activity of the seedlings after transportation supplemented with oxygen and icepack besides above transport conditions was significantly higher than that of fish supplemented with icepack only (P<0.05). It was desirable to starve the seedlings for 36 hours before transportation. Survival rate of seedlings was greatly reduced, when the dissolved oxygen concentration was lowered below the range of $0.7\~0.94ml/l$ just after transportation.

넙치 종묘수송시 수송수의 용존산소 변화 및 수송후 생존율과 회복시 섭식활성을 파악하여 효과적인 수송방법에 대한 기본자료를 얻고자, 밀폐식 비닐에 실험어를 수용하여 수송거리 272km, 수송시간 11시간에 이르는 장거리 수송실험을 실시하였다. 해수 10l에 넙치 종묘 40마리를 수용하여 수송개시 수온 $15.6\~17.8^{\circ}C$로, 인위적인 산소 보충 없이 용존산소 농도 5ml/l의 조건으로 수송한 실험에서 수송중 용존산소량(Y)은 수송 개시 3시간 이내에 급격히 감소하였으며, 시간(X) 경과에 따른 감소경향은 $Y=2.7444X^{-0.4780}$ (r=0.8071)의 역지수함수식으로 나타났다. 산소봉입유무별 수송실험에서 수송후 어체의 섭식활성은 얼음만을 단독으로 넣어 준 것에 비하여 얼음과 산소를 동시에 넣어 준 실험구에서 유의하게 높았다(P<0.05) 수송용 종묘는 수송전 36시간 이상 절식시켜 공복상태로 수송하는 것이 효과적이었다. 수송종묘의 생존을 위한 수송종료시 용존산소량의 임계 범위는 $0.77\~0.94\;ml/l$로 나타났다.
