Application of the compressive-force path concept in the design of reinforced concrete indeterminate structures: A pilot study

  • Seraj, Salek M. (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) ;
  • Kotsovos, Michael D. (National Technical University of Athens) ;
  • Pavlovic, Milija N. (Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, University of London)
  • 발행 : 1995.09.25


In the past, physical models have been proposed, in compliance with the concept of the compressive-force path, for the realistic design of various statically determinate structural concrete members. The present work extends these models so as to encompass indeterminate RC structural forms. Pilot tests conducted on continuous beams and fixed-ended portal frames have revealed that designing such members to present-day concepts may lead to brittle types of failure. On the other hand, similar members designed on the basis of the proposed physical models attained very ductile failures. It appears that, unlike current design approaches, the compressive-force path concept is capable of identifying those areas where failure is most likely to be triggered, and ensures better load redistribution, thus improving ductility. The beneficial effect of proper detailing at the point of contraflexure in an indeterminate RC member is to be noted.



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