Configuration Interaction Theory and van der Waals Predissociation


Golden-rule like formulas have been used without theoretical basis to calculate the resonance lifetimes and final state distributions in the predissociation of van der Waals molecules. Here we present their theoretical basis by extending Fano's configuration interaction theory. Such extensions were independently done by Farnonux [Phys. Rev. 1985, 25, 287] but his work, unfortunately, was not well known outside some small group of people in the field of Auger spectroscopy. Since my extension is easier to understand than his, it is presented here. Theoretical basis of Golden rule like formulas used in the predissociation of van der Waals molecules was obtained by using such extensions. Factors responsible for several aspects of predissociation dynamics, such as variations of dynamics as functions of resonance lifetimes, or variations in shapes of final quantum state distributions of photofragments around resonances, were identified. Parameters, or dynamical information that could be obtained from the measurement of partial cross section spectra were accordingly determined. The theory was applied to the vibrational predissociation of triatomic van der Waals molecules and its result was compared with those calculated by close-coupling method. An example where Golden-rule like expression fails and branching ratios vary greatly around a resonance was considered.



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