A Theoretical Study on the Electrode Structure of MOCl (M=Ti, V and Fe) and Their Relationship with Physical Properties

  • 발행 : 1995.04.20


In order to find out the relationship between electronic structures of metal oxychlorides (MOCl) and their physicochemical properties, we have carried out the tight-binding band electronic structure calculations with Extended Huckel (EH) method for TiOCl, VOCl and FeOCl. The relative contribution of metal atom to DOS at Fermi level increases in the order of Ti, V and Fe, which is parallel to the reactivities of MOCl toward guest species. The M2+ ion plays a crucial role in the electric conductivity of MOCl and its intercalation compounds. Hopping conduction theory is applied to explain the increase of conductivity after intercalation.



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