서울시 노인들의 대중매체 관심도 및 보건교육 요구도 조사연구

A Study on the Health Education Needs of the Aged in Seoul

  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


This survey was carried out with random sampling from 7 koos in Seoul (Seodaemoonkoo, Mapokoo, Kangdongkoo, Seongdongkoo, Koorokoo, Yongsankoo and Seongbookkoo. in order to evaluate the present health education needs of the aged and to find out the alternative plan for improvement. It used closed questionnaire. The number of the surveyed is 580. The brief results and suggestions of this study are as follows: 1. There is high level of health education needs of the aged in Seoul. 2. There is little activity of health education from the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. 3. They like lectures and group guidances best of all the ways of health education. 4. They like pavilions of the aged best of all the places of health education. 5. They like to receive health education once a month for about an hour. 6. They need the public relations and education of accident-preventive behaviors as well as the improvement of accident-prone environment and complementary policy measures, especially securing an actually ample budget. 7. Health education for the aged should take convenience and accessibility into account.
