A Model Specification for the Household Demand for Credit

가계의 신용 수요 모형 설정에 관한 연구

  • 최현자 (성균관대학교 가정관리학과)
  • Published : 1995.12.01


On the basis of intertemporal utility maximization theory and stock-adjustment hypothesis, a multivariate stock-adjustment credit demand model, which included on- and cross-adjustment effects of credit and cross-adjustment effects of assets was developed. With weighted four-year panel data from 1983 and 1986 Surveys of Consumer Finances, the theoretical model was tested using two-stage estimation method for tobit model. The results supported the hypothesis that, in general, the household demand for a certain type of credit was related to the demand for other types of credit and asset components in the portfolio. The household demand for mortgage credit, installment credit and revolving credit card debt depended not only on the disequilibrium of itself but on the disequilibrium of the other types of credit and asset components in the portfolio. The household demand for non-installment credit was related not to the disequilibrium of itself and other types of credit but to the disequilibria of asset components in the portfolio.
