게놈 내 전이성 인자와 그 이동기구 및 이용

Transposable Genetic Elements, the Mechanisms of Transposition, and Their Uses in Genetic Studies

  • 발행 : 1995.09.01


Transposons, present in the genomes of all living organisms, are genetic element that can change positions, or transpose, within the genome. Most genomes contain several kinds of transposable elements and the molecular details of the mechanisms by which these transposons move have recently been uncovered in many families of transposable elements. Transposition is brought about by an enzyme known as transposaese encoded by the autonomous transposon itself, but, in the unautonomous transposon lacking the gene encoding the transposase, movement occurs only at the presence of the enzyme encoded by the autonomous one. There are two types of transposition events, conservative and replicative transposition. In the former the transposon moves without replication, both strands of the DNA moving together from one place to the other while in the latter the transposition frequently involves DNA replication, so one copy of transposon remains at its original site as another copy insole to a new site. The insertion of transposon into a gene can prevent it expression whereas excision from the gene may restore the ability of the gene to be expressed. There are marked similarities between transposons and certain viruses having single stranded Plus (+) RNA genomes. Retrotransposons, which differ from the ordinary transposons in that they transpose via an RNA-intermediate, behave much like retroviruses and have a structure of integrated retrovial DNA when they are inserted to a new target site. An insertional mutagenesis called transposon-tagging is now being used in a number of plant species to isolate genes involved in developmental and metabolic processes which have been proven difficult to approach by the traditional methods. Attempts to device a transposon-tagging system based on the maize Ac for use in heterologous species have been made by many research workers.
