계성의『원치』에 관한 기초적 연구

A Basic Study on the Yuarye of Ji Cheng

  • 이유직 (밀양산업대학교 조경학과) ;
  • 황기원 (서울대학교 환경대학원 환경조경학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.07.01


Ji Cheng's great work on garden design, the 'Yuanye'(Craft of garden), written in 1631 and originally published in 1634 is the first surviving manual on landscape gardening in the Chinese tradition. This study aims at investigating not only Ji Cheng's life, achievements companionship and design activities, but also the xylographic copies, literary style, and framework of Yuanye in their historical context in order to provide the bases for further study, Ji Cheng was exellent in poetry and painting. And he constructed Dongdiyuan in Changzhou around 1623, Wuyuan in Yiaheng in 1631, and Yingyuan in Yangzhou around 1634 But no poems, paintings, and gardens designed by hi shill exist Therefore his design phi philosophy is able to be interpreted only by his work, Yuanye. After publishing, Yuanye fell into obscurity for several centuries in Chlna. It was redescovered and reprinted for the first time in 1931. Yuanye is composed of prefaces and main text The main text is divided into 'the Theory of Construction' and 'on Gardens', and the latter also into 10 sections. In this text Ji Cheng explains the aesthetic principles underlying garden design and the appropriate emotional response to various efftcts Especially, he emphasizes the importance of basin the garden design on the taxi ting nature and features of landscape and making use of natural scenery. The literary style of the book is highly mannered, and there are so many poetic descriptions and Ji Cheng's native Jiangsu dialects. So the translation of the original text is very difficult After this, the major design concepts of Ji Cheng's landscape gardening theory and whole network of these concepts have to be studied.



  1. The Craft of Gardens, Alison Hardie(td.) Ji Cheng
  2. 中國人名大辭典 臺灣商務印書館
  3. 中國繪畵理論史 姜寬植(역)
  4. 園治識語;園治注釋 閔鐸;陳植
  5. 園治(木經全書) 計成
  6. 園治 計成
  7. 園治 橋川時雄
  8. 園治 金聖雨;安大會(역)
  9. 解說 園治 上原敬二
  10. 天工開物 宋應星(1636)
  11. 天工開物 申採湜
  12. 中國文學의 理解 金學圭
  13. 園治注擇 校勘記;園治注釋 楊超伯;陳植
  14. 建築師 v.23 計威與影園興造 吳棨釗
  15. 治敍;園治注釋 阮大鍼;陳植
  16. 題銅;園治注釋 鄭元勳;陳植
  17. 建築師 v.13 計成硏究-爲紀念計成誕生四百年而作 曺신
  18. 重刊園治序;園治注釋 朱啓鈐;陳植
  19. 重印園治序;園治注釋 陳植;陳植
  20. 園治注繹序;園治注釋 陳植;陳植
  21. 園治注釋 陳植
  22. 園治注釋(第2版)序;園治注釋 陳植
  23. 園治注釋 第二版 陳植
  24. 環境論業 v.31 園治興造論 硏究(1) - 主者論을 중심으로 黃琪源;李유植;具泰益;全濚玉