Studies on Seed Mixtures for Slope Revegetation of the Road

도로사면녹화를 위한 식생배합에 관한 연구

  • 이재필 (건국대학교 농과대학 대학원 원예과학과) ;
  • 김남춘 (동국대학교 농과대학 관상원예학과) ;
  • 홍성관 (건국대학교 농과대학 원예과학과)
  • Published : 1995.07.01


This study was conducted to find out appropriate rates of seed mixture of both native and foreign plants in order for stabilization of early afforestation and proper vegetation on road slope. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Characteristics of germination : After seeding, 2 weeks for both Lespedeza bicolor and Lespedeza cuneata, and 4 weeks for both Arundinella hirta and Zoysia japonica were needed for vigorous germination, and 1-4 wee17s for 3 cool-season grasses were spent for gradual germination. 2. Plant height : There was no difference between Lespedeza cuneata and Lespedeza bicolor in plant height by 7 treatments. As mixture rates of cool-season grasses were lowered, plant height of Arundinella hirta became longer. Descending order of co81-season grasses for plant height was Tall fescue, Perennial ryegrass and Creeping redfescue. 3. Number of tillers : The number of tillers tended to increase in the experimental plots where competition was low. 4 Ground cover rate : Ground cover rate was the highest in Mixture IV (96.7%) and was fluctuated from 13.3% on Sept. 13 to 45% on Nev. 3 in Mixture III. Descending order of gronud cover rates in 7 treaments was Mixture IV, Mixture III. Mixture II, Mixture Ⅶ, Mixture V, Mixture Ⅵ, Mixture I, and Mixtur III when measured on Oct. 13 5. Visual assessment: High preferences were observed on Mixture IV and Ⅶ In sun the best seed mixtures were Mixture IV and Ⅶ. It meant that (1) either mixture of 70% the native plants with 30% cool-season graaes or (2) mixture of 80% the native plants with 20% cool-season glasses was best for this study.



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  10. 작물생리학 朴種聲(외 6명.)
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