외부공간 설계에 있어 "프라이버시" 개념의 응용 및 측정"모델"의 개발에 관한 연구

Privacy ; Concept and Estimation Model in Outdoor Space Design

  • 엄붕훈 (대구효성가톨릭대 종경학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.04.01


All human spatial behavior and psychological stress are affected by the 'Privacy'of each space. This Paper deals with the theoretical review of 'privacy'concept and establishment of 'Privacy Model' that can be a useful design tool. 'Privacy Index(Pl)' model of 10 point scale, which is based on 'Hierarchic system of Privacy' in urban spaces by Chermeyeff and Alexander(1963), was established as a hypothetical model in this study. And'Activity Suitability', based on each hierarchy of primacy level, was investigated at each site to construct the validity of 'Privacy Model'. Total 67 sites were investigated by on.-site questionnaire in 3 types of outdoor spaces, (Park), (Campus), and (Garden) respectively. The major results are as follows; 1. The P7rivacy level of earth spaces, distributed from to in and . and (Groun Private> spaces are dominant In , spaces are dondnant 2, Privacy level, based on , showed higher privacy level than that of . This means the criteria of each privacy level should be modified for more specific space. The . could be derived from the (Activity Suitability) of each space. 3.The cognition of privacy level. by user group, showed no significant difference in dach group by sex, age, education, and job, respectively.



  1. 韓國造景學會 論文發表要旨集 環境設計에 있어 프라이버시 槪念 導入의 活性化를 爲한 基礎硏究(1) 文石基;廉道義
  2. 産業美術硏究論文集 v.1 no.1 外部空間 設計에 있어 環境心理的 接近方法의 應用에 關한 考察 嚴鵬勳
  3. 曉星女子大學校 硏究論文集 v.35 公園綠地의 物理的 空間構成에 따른 利用者 反應에 關한 硏究 嚴鵬勳
  4. 韓國造景學會 論文發表要旨集 環境設計에 있어 프라이버시 槪念 導入의 活性化를 爲한 基礎硏究(2) 嚴鵬勳;文石基
  5. 韓國造景學會 論文發表要旨集 外部空間에 있어 프라이버시 水準의 測定에 관한 事例硏究 嚴鵬勳;安啓福(外)
  6. 韓國造景學會誌 v.14 no.1 環境心理·行態 硏究의 可能性과 限界性 任勝彬
  7. 造園雜誌 v.33 no.3 公園設計に關する基礎的硏究 進士五十八
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